Migration and population genetics of the grain aphid Macrosiphum miscanti (Takahashi) in relation to

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luohai8899
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The population genetics of the grain aphid Macrosiphum miscanti (Takahashi) is analyzed by microsatellite markers.Samples collected from 15 locations in China have been examined at 5 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Overall, genetic diversity displays a relation between the migration and gene flow in the grain aphid: a free and frequent gene flow is found in the eastern populations, and gene isolation occurs in the two western populations, especially Datong population and Guiyang population. The natural barriers may present an insurmountable obstacle preventing gene flow and aphid migration. However, a spatial genetic differentiation between populations is correlated with their geographical separation, indicating the geographic differentiation may play an important role in shaping the genetic structure of M. miscanti populations. In addition, most populations of grain aphids are out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and there is heterozygote deficit. Based on F statistics, the average genetic differentiation among different geographical populations is relatively low. It seems that the long distance migration of the grain aphid may enhance gene flow and decrease genetic differentiation among different populations.
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