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学习借鉴新加坡南洋理工学院先进的办学理念,树立危机意识、卓越意识、服务意识,依托校政企合作理事会、铜仁产业发展研究中心和铜仁职教集团三个平台,构建教师个人发展中心、学生成长成才研究中心、专业建设发展研究中心,完善政校企合作机制、工学结合机制、质量监控机制,是把铜仁职院建成铜仁市产业发展技术服务基地、武陵山区新兴产业孵化基地、国家职业教育典型示范基地的有效措施。 Learning from Singapore’s Nanyang Polytechnic advanced learning philosophy, establish a sense of crisis, awareness of excellence, sense of service, relying on the school administration and enterprise cooperation council, Tongren Industrial Development Research Center and Tongren Vocational Education Group three platforms to build teacher personal development center, students The research center for the growth and success, professional construction and development research center, improve the mechanism of cooperation between government and enterprises, industrial and academic mechanisms, quality control mechanism is to Tongren Vocational College into Tongren City Industrial Development Technical Service Base, Wuling Mountain Emerging Industry Incubator base, the National Vocational Education Typical demonstration base of effective measures.
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BACKGROUND:The neurodevelopmental risks associated with high total serum bilirubin levels in newborns are not well defined. METHODS:We identified 140 infants wi
Objectives. Pain among children and adolescents has been identified as an important public health problem. Most studies evaluating recurrent or chronic pain con
To investigate whether the irradiation with C-beam could enhance adenovirus-mediated transfer and expression of p53 in human hepatocellular carcinoma,HepG2 cell
被叫做"那个弱智"的男人 第一次遇见他,是和同学一起走路的时候,被他突然从后面拍了一下。吃惊间,他已扬长而去,还说了一句:"我是丐帮老大。"是丐帮老大。"仔细看他的背影:蓬乱的头
解开守护    一个年轻人在自家的田地上种了一些桃树,在桃园的前面有一所小学,为了防止调皮的孩子去偷摘桃子,每当桃子长大时他就会用篱笆墙把桃树围起来,并且在桃园里日夜守护。可是,每当课余时间,孩子们便围着桃园四周,有的将篱笆墙掏个洞钻进去摘桃子,有的用长竹竿去打桃子。他一个人顾东顾不了西,常常累得气喘吁吁也抓不到一个孩子。更让他气愤的是,这些孩子仿佛不是为了吃桃子,只是为了和他玩,用瓦块砸他的桃子