How to Use Cellphone

来源 :中学生英语·中考指导版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaolianzhang
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  就读学校班级:山东省梁山县杨营中学九(2)班 指导老师:石继忠
  Many years ago, junior school students were not allowed to use cellphones. Teachers would take away students’ cellphones once they saw them. But now the phone has been part of people’s life and almost every student uses it. It is just a popular communication tool. Many junior school students are easy to be addicted to chatting with their friends in class. For me, I will turn off the phone and not think about it. Some parents believe that using cellphone is not good for students, but the fact is that students can learn a lot through cellphone. They can search the Internet for more useful information.
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1. 梳理课本阶段  按照《英语中考说明》,把握考试重点和范围带领学生进行总复习。将每一单元的重点词汇短语句型进行归纳总结,使学生知识条理化、系统化,这样会使学生更好地理解已经学过的知识。老师还要让学生利用早读的时间进行单词短语句型的背诵,特别要将其融入到课文中进行课文的背诵,背诵过关后还要进行默写加强学生的记忆。英语学习的内容复杂繁多,老师要以学生为中心,对出现频率高的、学生总是不会做的知识重点
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