日污灯蛾在我区1980年以来已有发生,以幼虫危害核桃、泡桐等树叶片为甚。随着我区泡桐面积的扩大,该虫蔓延迅速,目前已在我区普遍发生,影响泡桐生长。为了制定防治措施,进行有效防治,控制其危害,杜绝蔓延,巩固绿化成果,我们于一九八五年至八六年对该虫的生活史及习性,进行了饲养观察,现将结果整理如下。一、虫名、日污灯蛾Spilarctia japonensis(Rothschild)、属鳞翅目Lepidoptera。灯蛾科Arctiidae灯蛾亚科Arctiinae。
Polluted moth in our area has occurred since 1980 to larvae damage walnut, Paulownia and other leaves is even worse. With the expansion of Paulownia area in my area, the worm spread rapidly, and it has been generally occurred in our district, affecting the growth of Paulownia. In order to formulate prevention and control measures, carry out effective prevention and control, control their harm, stop the spread and consolidate the achievements in greening, we conducted a survey on the life history and habits of the pests from 1985 to 1986 and summarized the results as follows . First, the worm name, the Japanese spider moth Spilarctia japonensis (Rothschild), Lepidoptera Lepidoptera. Moth family Arctiidae moth subfamily Arctiinae.