Urgent Need to Improve the Quality of Case Report in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Assessment on Rep

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Objective: To survey the reporting quality of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) case reports published in recent years and understand the common problems. The assessment results would lay the foundation for the development of recommendations for case report in Chinese medicine. Methods: This survey determined the reporting quality of cases with Chinese herbal decoction, Chinese proprietary medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion and other traditional therapies published in 20 core medical journals of China by searching the China Academic Journals Full-text Database from 2006 to 2010. Fifty survey items in 16 domains were used to determine the reporting quality. One point was assigned to each item(Yes=1 point; No=0 point), and total score was 50 points. The domain of treatment was assessed independently, ranging from 2 to 9 items for different TCM interventions. Results: The total of 1,858 case reports, covering 3,417 cases were included to analyze from 13 out of 20 core medical journals of China. There were 74.8% of them did not identify the nature of study in title, while 73.9% did not comprise an abstract. Incomplete reporting was found in discussions/comment, and only 38.9% had made recommendations or take-away messages. Figures and tables were infrequently used. Three cases cited the full names of patients, but without declaring that any consent was obtained. Over 90% reported the symptoms and signs of TCM, and characteristics on tongue and pulse, but less than 50% did mention other medical history and diagnostic rationale. More than 90% treatments of the included cases were herbal decoction, with clear reporting on the ingredients and dosages. However, the reporting rate of the dosages of each ingredient was just 48.4%. Almost none reported the quality control of crude herbs, manufacturers and lot numbers of herbal proprietary medicine. Besides, advices and precautions on diet, emotions and living were rare to be illustrated. Conclusion: Systematic reporting recommendations are urged to develop for improving the contents and format ofcase reports in TCM. Objective: To survey the reporting quality of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) case reports published in recent years and understand the common problems. The assessment results would lay the foundation for the development of recommendations for case report in Chinese medicine. Methods: This report determines the reporting quality of cases with Chinese herbal decoction, Chinese proprietary medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion and other traditional therapies published in 20 core medical journals of China by searching the China Academic Journals Full-text Database from 2006 to 2010. Fifty survey items in 16 domains were used to determine the reporting quality. One point was assigned to each item (Yes = 1 point; No = 0 point), and total score was 50 points. The domain of treatment was assessed independently, ranging from 2 to 9 items for different Results: The total of 1,858 case reports, covering 3,417 cases were included to analyze from 13 out of 20 core medical journals of China. There were 74.8% of them did not identify the nature of study in title, while 73.9% did not comprise an abstract. Incomplete reporting was found in discussions / comment, and only 38.9% had made recommendations or take-away messages. Figures and 90% reported the symptoms and signs of TCM, and characteristics on tongue and pulse, but less than 50% did mention other medical history and diagnostic rationale. More than 90% treatments of the included cases were herbal decoction, with clear reporting on the ingredients and dosages. However, the reporting rate of the dosages of each ingredient was just 48.4%. Almost none reported the quality control of crude herbs, manufacturers and lot numbers of herbal proprietary medicine. Besides, advices and precautions on diet, emotions and living were rare to be illustrated.ndations are urged to develop for improving the contents and format ofcase reports in TCM.
<正> 唐寅(1470~1523年),字子畏,另字伯虎,晚号六如居士,江苏吴县人。他是明代中期吴门画派的重要成员之一。唐寅幼年时才智早熟,很早就显露出绘画上的天赋。他的绘画师法周臣,追溯至李唐、刘松年诸家,与当时的文人画家们所偏好的元代大师和董巨山水的传统有明显的区别,以细秀温润的笔法入画,兼有文人画家的风流洒脱和职业画家的严谨缜密。善于山水仕女。他的同年、同学文征明对他的画有很高的评价:“子畏画本笔墨兼到,理趣无
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有机磷农药(Organophosphate Pesticides,OPPs)在世界农药中具有举足轻重的地位。世界上有机磷农药商品已达上百种,特别在杀虫剂方面,有机磷类为三大主柱之一,并长年来鳌居首
<正> 《鱼鸟图》,长178厘米、宽23厘米。纸本,水墨,现藏湖北省博物馆(见封三)。画面主体由怪石、鸟、鱼构成。怪石占画面主要位置,自左端凌空斜出,突兀奇肆。用墨线勾出轮廓,以大小横点点写石质浓淡阴阳向背,水墨华滋润泽。三只小鸟枞居石颠,或蹲驻或作回首仰视或敛足修啄羽毛,神态若有所思若有所忆若有所言,撷神写形,风采奕奕。鸟是八大山人花鸟画创作中的特征形像,八大对鸟通常作变形、夸张、扭曲处理,表情多为默想、追思、愤怒、讶异、迷虑、疑虑、迷惑,投足举喙之态,寄托了画家深深的感情。有论者言,八