商业部、粮食部、财政部、对外贸易部、中国人民银行、中国财贸工会全国委员会关于召开全国财贸部门技术革新和技术革命表演大会的通知 商业部、粮食部、财政部、对外贸易部、中国人民银行、中国财贸工会全国委员会关

来源 :中华人民共和国国务院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mail1631987
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全国财贸战线上的广大职工在党的领导下,在社会主义建设总路线的光辉照耀下,破除迷信,解放思想,鼓足干劲,广泛地开展了技术革新和技术革命运动。创造了成千上万种先进工具,选拔了大批操作技术能手,涌现了许多先进单位。财贸部门的技术革新和技术革命,是我国广大劳动人民以技术革新和技术革命为中心的增产节约运动的一个重要组成部分,它不仅大大地提高了财贸部门的劳动效率,改进了服务质量,节约了物力财力,而且对于支持工农业生产的发展,促进家各劳动社会化和生活集体化,节约 Under the leadership of the party and under the brilliant leadership of the general line of socialist construction, the vast numbers of workers and staff members on the national trade and financial trade side have escaped superstition, emancipated their minds, energetic and extensively carried out technological innovation and technological revolution. Created thousands of advanced tools, selected a large number of technical experts in operation, and many advanced units emerged. The technological innovation and technological revolution in the finance and trade sector are an important part of the mass production and saving campaign centered on technical innovation and technological revolution by the majority of working people in our country. They not only greatly enhance the labor efficiency of the financial and trade departments, improve the quality of service and save The material and financial resources, but also to support the development of industrial and agricultural production, promote labor socialization and collectivization of life, saving
BACKGROUND: It has been demonstrated that mild hypothermia has obvious protective effect on both whole and local cerebral ischemia. However, the definite mechan
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谬误的司法判决的确可能打击公众行善的热情,但人们天性中的古道热肠却不会就此消失。只是,助人为乐的义举和扶危济困的良知太需要唤醒,太需要道义和法律的支持。 False jud