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  The idea of a plain, brown box doesn’t seem supper appealing to humans. However, people do know one thing all cats love—boxes. Why do cats like boxes?
  Cats crave security
  Although there are several theories about why cats like boxes, assistant professor Mark D. Freeman says the most widely accepted explanation is the security factor. “Cats are, by nature, cryptic1 animals, meaning they prefer to have a safe hiding spot from which they can observe the world around them,” says Dr. Freeman. “Cats are both hunter and prey2, so having a secure space from which they can monitor for threats from predators3 as well as for appealing prey is ideal.” Cardboard boxes, or any small, confined4 space, provide the perfect “safe” spot for cats to avoid predators and catch a meal.
  Cats require warmth
  Cats also like boxes because they find them physically comforting, according to Daniel Rotman, CEO of PrettyLitter. “Boxes can greatly reduce a cat’s stress and help cats regulate their body temperatures,” says Rotman. The optimal5 ambient temperature for cats to maintain their body temperature is upwards of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Small enclosed spaces, like cardboard boxes, provide insulation6 that keeps your feline family member warm and safe, according to Rotman.
  Why do cats like boxes more than others? If you have a kitten, a slender cat, or a cat with short hair, however, you might find them curled up in a box when they aren’t lounging7 in the sun or snuggling8 in your fresh laundry. That craving for warmth is partly why cats purr9, too.
  Is it safe for your cat to be near cardboard?
  Cardboard boxes have a textural element that cats really enjoy. “You’ll often find them scratching, chewing, and otherwise mangling the cardboard, which is a great source of entertainment and pleasure for the cat,” says Dr. Freeman. The cardboard is a good place for cats to scratch and bite, too. Cardboard provides hours of entertainment for your fur baby.   Giving your cat cardboard and cardboard boxes might even help their anxiety. “When a cat is over-stimulated, tired, or just in need of a break, a box gives them the ability to recharge until they’re ready to come out and play again,” Rotman says. So giving your cat some cardboard is something they’ll appreciate.
  Boxes are also pretty safe as long as they are on a sturdy10 surface away from heaters or high foot-traffic areas. Make sure no staples11 or tape in the box could hurt your cat, warns Rotman. “Make sure to examine any box before you give it to your cat to explore, especially since cats have a tendency to rub12 up against things,” says Rotman.
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