
来源 :北京建筑工程学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soaringroc
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城建系全名城市建设工程系,由原市政工程系的给水排水专业、原建工系的供热通风专业、城市燃气专业合并组成。全系共有教职工约90人,学生约500人,是全院专业设置最多、学生人数最多的系。城建系所设置的专业办学历史悠久。前两个专业可追溯到解放前的华北高工,已有50多年的办学历史,后一个专业也有30年的办学历史。多年来这三个专业的毕业生几乎遍布北京市城建系统的各个单位,其中许多人已走上各级领导岗位,成为北京市城市建设的骨干力量,为北京市的建设作出了较大贡献。城建系拥有一批教学经验丰富、学术水平较高的师资力量。具有讲师、工程师以上职称的教工已超过60人,其中教授4人,副教授15人(见附表1)。在这些教师中,大部份人从事教学工作多年,他们忠诚于党的教育事业,勤勤恳恳兢兢业业,为培养祖国的建设人材忘 The Department of Urban Construction is the full name of the Department of Urban Construction Engineering. It consists of the Department of Water Supply and Drainage of the Department of Municipal Engineering, the Department of Heating and Ventilation of the Department of Engineering, and the City Gas Specialty. The department has about 90 faculty members and about 500 students. It is the department with the largest number of professional establishments and the largest number of students. The professional education established by the Urban Construction Department has a long history. The first two majors can be traced back to the pre-liberation North China High School. They have a history of running school for more than 50 years. The latter major also has a 30-year school history. Over the years, these three majors have graduated almost every unit of the urban construction system in Beijing. Many of them have embarked on leadership positions at all levels and have become the backbone of Beijing’s urban construction. They have made great contributions to the construction of Beijing. The Urban Construction Department has a group of teachers with rich teaching experience and high academic level. There are more than 60 teaching staff with lecturers and engineers, including 4 professors and 15 associate professors (see Attached Table 1). Among these teachers, most of them are engaged in teaching for many years. They are loyal to the party’s education and are diligent and diligent. They are trying to cultivate the country’s human resources.
上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议审议了上海市人民政府关于提请审议废止《上海市外商投资企业清算条例》的议 The 17th Meeting of the Standing Commit
(2000年4月14日省九届人大常委会第14次会议通过)第一章总则第一条为了加强会计管理 ,规范会计行为 ,保证会计资料真实、完整 ,维护社会主义市场经济秩序 ,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》