It’s Not Where You Live, but Where Your Heart Is  心灵的家园

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  I have never met the older Scottish couple walking toward me on the cobbledstreet--yet I feel as though I have known them forever.A facial tissue peeks from one sleeve of the woman’s cardigan, and the manwears a tweed jacket and tartan tie. His arm links with his wife’s, and as theyapproach, he glances at me. I send them a silent salutation.
  The couple’s ruddy faces and pragmatic strides remind me of my father’scollection of sepia photographs of our forebears, who emigrated from Scotlandto North America.
  I am spending a week in my ancestral home of Stifling, a city in the heart ofScotland built around a castle that has guarded the Highlands for centuries.
  Even though I have never lived here, I consider it my consummate6 home.
  Two hundred years ago, my great-great-great grandfather, a farmer namedGeorge Moir, asked a bonny lass named Jane Stirling to marry him. Ever since,the name Stifling has been passed down in my family. It was my father’smiddle name, it’s mine, and it’s my son’s.
  As a boy, I remember staring mesmerized at my father’s pictures of StirlingCastle. The castle crowns a volcanic butte that towers over the neighboringcountryside? Some of its stone walls stand just a few feet from striated cliffsthat plunge to the plain below?~
  I have always thought of Stifling Castle as an enduring link to my past. Forme, it is what the Scots might call a bield a shelter or refuge. It is the home ofmy heart.
  On the last day of my visit, I’m having lunch at a small bakery when I see theScottish couple again. I smile at them as they pass my table.
  The man asks if I’m visiting, and I tell them that I’m from California. As we chat,they recount how they have recently moved from Aberdeen to Stirling.
  "A lifetime ago, we attended high school together here in Stirling," the mansays. "And we liked one another--a lot. But after graduation, we went our separateways and married other people. A few years ago, each of us lost our spouse. Oneday, we both happened to go shopping in the same Aberdeen grocery store, and werecognized each other."
  "It’s amazing," the woman says, "the timeless connection you have with a firstlove. We hadn’t seen each other in 47 years, and after a cup of coffee it was as if wehad always been together. We were married six months later. And we decided tocome back home to Stirling."
   "What brings you here?" the man asks me.
   "I have also come home."
   As I tell them about my ancestors who lived here, I pull a scrap of paper frommy wallet with a few lines from a poem by my favorite Scottish writer, Robert LouisStevenson. I found the poem on my first visit to Stirling 20 years ago. The wordsjumped off the page at me, almost as if Stevenson had written them for me:
   It’s ill to loose the bonds that God decreed to bind. Still, we will be children of theheather and the wind. Far away from home, 0 it’s still for you and me, That the broom isblowing bonny in the north countries.
   "A true home is like a first love," the woman says. "It’s powerful. It pulls you."
  The man’s eyes twinkle. "And this time of year, you’ll haveno trouble seeing Scotch broom."
  We bid farewell, and one last time I ascend to Stirling Castlealong a narrow street flanked by stone buildings, As I approachthe castle entrance, subdued sunlight illuminates its mightywalls.
  A sightseeing bus arrives, and a group of Scottish touristsemerges. Many of them bear a resemblance to the couple I talkedwith earlier. Some of these visitors hold hands as they walktoward the castle over wet grass steaming in the sun.
  The day is clear, and we can see almost all the way across thegreen hills of Scotland. Clusters of yellow Scotch broom ripple inthe breeze. We traverse the castle’s stone bridge and passthrough its secure wooden gates.
  I am home.
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[摘 要]《电子CAD》课程是一门灵活性很强的课程,在实际的教学过程中,教师可结合学生实际情况,科学灵活地设计教学内容,融合运用多种教学方法,以实现学生思维能力、学习能力、综合实践能力等持续发展的更高层次的教学目标。  [关键词]《电子CAD》 教学内容设计 教学方法  电子信息技术的迅速发展,对电子专业课程建设与教学提出了更高的要求。《电子CAD》课程是电子专业的重要课程之一。在多年的教学中我积
[摘 要]改革开放以来,中国经济持续高发展,已经成为世界第二大经济体。我国人民收入和生活水平明显提高,但是收入差距却一直呈现扩大的趋势。当前中国的贫富差距问题日益明显,缩小贫富差距也成为新领导人的首要任务之一。本文从贫富差距的含义入手,浅析中国贫富差距的原因。  [关键词] 贫富差距 现象 思考 原因 措施  一、贫富差异的含义  贫富差距是指由于各个社会成员所处的具体社会政治、经济和文化方面的地
[摘 要]随着社会的飞速发展,竞争的日益激烈,中职生中引发的心理问题也越来越多。中职教育作为就业准备教育,在培养市场需要的有一定文化知识和专业技能的劳动者方面起到了重要作用。西部欠发达地区的中职生由于经济落后、中职教育发展落后,加之学生自身年龄较小、教育层次低等原因,很多学生存在心理问题,例如缺乏良好的心理品质,创新能力和抗挫折能力较差,适应社会综合能力较弱,而导致很多学生心理不健康。因此,加强欠