
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfsafdsfds
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庭院林业,主要指农民利用庭院和房前屋后的隙地、自留田及其相连的沟河、池塘边种植的树木,以改善居住环境、解决用材,薪材,生产果品、花卉苗木和增加经济收益的林业生产活动。苏北农区的农民庭院面积虽不大,但发展林业的潜力和作用很大。下面,根据淮阴市的具体情况,分析一下苏北农区庭院林业及其开发的途径。 一、庭院林业的地位与特点 庭院林业,是在庭院经济的概念上引伸而来的,庭院林业的产生则具有悠久的历史传统。江苏淮阴位于苏北北部,黄泛平原贯穿东西,黄河多次泛滥,把历史上农商兴盛的淮北,变成了早涝、风砂、碱薄灾害频繁的灾区。人民群众在长期与灾害的斗争中逐渐形成了在房前屋后栽植桑、槐、榆、柳、楝等树 Garden forestry mainly refers to farmers’ use of the gaps in the courtyard and the front houses, trees planted along the ditches and ditches and ponds to improve the living environment, solve the use of timber, firewood, produce fruits, flower seedlings and increase the economy Benefits of forestry production activities. Although there are not many peasant courtyard areas in northern Jiangsu, the potential and significance of developing forestry are great. Next, according to the specific circumstances of Huaiyin City, analyze the farmland in northern Jiangsu forestry and its development. First, the status and characteristics of the garden forestry The courtyard forestry is derived from the concept of the courtyard economy, the courtyard forestry has a long history of tradition. Huaiyin in Jiangsu Province is located in the northern part of North Jiangsu. The Yellow River flood plain runs through the Yellow River and floods the Yellow River many times. It has turned Huaibei, a city where commercialists flourished in history, into a disaster-stricken area where floods, winds and soda are frequent. People in the long struggle against disasters gradually formed in the front of the house planting mulberry, Huai, elm, willow, neem and other trees
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希蒙得木(Simmondsia Chinensis)系希蒙得术科、希蒙得木属常绿灌木状植物。原产美国加利福尼亚地区,具有很强的抗旱能力和抗盐碱能力,每英亩产值达3000-5000美元。70年代起