Determining method and conditional factors of electrochemical fingerprint of Chinese traditional med

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koala01250708
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The thermodynamic systems and kinetic model suitable for the electrochemical token of the compo-nent throng in Chinese traditional medicines have been analyzed. It has been indicated that the damp oscillatory reactions in the non-equilibrium close system and open system without the supplement of dissipative substance have important significance for the throng token and analysis of chemical com-ponents in Chinese traditional medicines. Various factors influencing the electrochemical fingerprint,such as reactant species and their concentrations,electrode types,temperature,stir rate,the kind,dosage and granularity of Chinese traditional medicines,have amply been researched by the B-Z os-cillatory reaction which used malonic acid as a main dissipative substance. In addition,the quantitative information about the chemical components in Chinese traditional medicines has been discussed in detail. The method and its conditions for determining the electrochemical fingerprint used in scientifi-cally distinguishing and evaluating Chinese traditional medicines have successfully been put forward. The thermodynamic systems and kinetic model suitable for the electrochemical token of the compo-nent throng in Chinese traditional medicines have been analyzed. It has been indicated that the damp oscillatory system and open system without the supplement of dissipative substance Various factors influencing the chemical fingerprint,such as analyte species and their concentrations,electrode types,temperature,stir rate,the kind,dosage and granularity of Chinese Traditional medicines,have amply been researched by the BZ os-cillatory reaction which used malonic acid as a main dissipative substance. In addition,the quantitative information about the chemical components in Chinese traditional medicines has been discussed in detail. The method and its conditions for Determining the electrochemical fingerprint used in scientifi-c Ally distinguishing and evaluating Chinese traditional medicines have successfully been put forward.
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