Preparation and Mechanical Performance of Rare Earth- Containing Composite Elastomer

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiming1155
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Rare earth containing PSBR sheet was prepared by reaction of rare earth alkoxide with quaternary ammonium salt of pyridine modified SBR (PSBR) latex, and then it was blended with natural rubber (NR) to produce rare earth containing composite elastomer. It is found that mechanical performance can be improved remarkably. Analyzed by infrared spectrometry (IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and cross linking densitometry, the relationship between structure and performance was discussed. Rare earth containing PSBR sheet was prepared by reaction of rare earth alkoxide with quaternary ammonium salt of pyridine modified SBR (PSBR) latex, and then it was blended with natural rubber (NR) to produce rare earth containing composite elastomer. It is found that mechanical Analyzed by infrared spectrometry (IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and cross linking densitometry, the relationship between structure and performance was discussed.
1999年12月 20日一重集团公司自行研制的当今世界首台工作台面最大的5000在双点单动机械压力机调试成功。这台集机电液一体化和具有国际90年代先进水平的压力机的研制成功,为发展我国民族重
目的调查嘉应学院医学院新生乙型肝炎病毒感染情况及乙肝“两对半”感染模式和乙肝知识知晓情况的调查。方法对2009年梅州市某高校新生1 876人用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法定
患者男性,48岁,因右眼球突出3个月,流泪伴胀痛1个月,于2003年10月13日来我院就诊.眼部检查:右眼视力0.3,矫正不能提高.眼球突出度:右23 mm,左10 mm,眶距100 mm.眼球运动上转受限,球结膜充血、水肿(图1),角膜上皮点状混浊,前节无炎性反应,晶状体透明,玻璃体无混浊.眼底检查:视乳头边界清、色正,网膜皱折,中心凹反光消失.左眼未见异常.外院CT检查发现右眼眶内、前颅窝、颞
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