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在不同的气温、湿度、气压等综合气象条件下,人体会有不同的反应,这种生理变化实际上是身体机能的一种自动调节,以维持机体的平衡。秋季,气候凉爽宜人,人体出汗减少,体热的产生和散发以及水盐代谢也逐渐恢复到原有的平衡状态,人体也因此感到非常舒适,处于松弛的状态,不过机体却有一种尊名的疲惫感。这种状况就是“秋乏”。它是补偿盛夏季节带给人体超常消耗的保护性反应,也是机体在秋季气象环境中得以恢复的保护性措施。虽然经过一段时间的调整与适应,秋乏会自然而然地消除,但为了不影响工作和生话,最好还是采取相应的防治措施。 In different meteorological conditions such as temperature, humidity and pressure, the human body can react differently. This physiological change is actually an automatic adjustment of the body functions to maintain the balance of the body. Autumn, the climate is cool and pleasant, reducing body sweating, body heat generation and distribution and water and salt metabolism also gradually restored to the original state of balance, the body therefore feel very comfortable, in a relaxed state, but the body has a name The feeling of exhaustion This situation is “Autumn lack ”. It is a protective response that compensates for the extraordinary consumption of the human body in midsummer and is also a protective measure for the body to recover in autumn meteorological environment. Although after a period of adjustment and adaptation, Autumn will naturally be eliminated, but in order not to affect the work and life, it is best to take appropriate control measures.
旅顺口区充分发挥区域自然优势和大樱桃栽植优势,建立了一个十万亩世界级的优质大樱桃生产基地。全力打造旅顺大樱桃品牌,中国果品之乡暨果业先进典型评选组委会授予旅顺口区为“中国大樱桃之乡”称号。绿晨牌大樱桃被评为北京2008奥运会中国曲棍球队指定产品。旅顺大樱桃”国家地理标志认证正在办理之中。   旅顺口区大樱桃栽植总面积已达10.2万亩,发展千亩樱桃种植专业村44个,大樱桃结果面积4万亩,总产量已达1
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金蒜3号山东润丰种业有限公司选育的大蒜品种。品种来源:常规品种,金乡紫皮蒜变异株无性系选育成。特征特性:该品种生育期243天, Garlic 3 Shandong Runfeng Seed Industry
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