A Brief Review of Some Animal Pathogens Causing Miscarriages in Women

来源 :Journal of Reproduction and Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w346399938
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Brucella melitensis,Brucella suis,Brucella canis and Brucella abortus,which normally infect various species of domestic animals,can infect humans through unpasteurized milk from infected animals or from contact with reproductive tract fluids.They cause flu like symptoms with the fever rising and falling over months or years.Boiling milk before consumption can prevent brucellosis. It can be treated with antibiotics. Listeria monocytogenes usually affects sheep,goats and cattle but may infect humans through consumption of unpasteurized milk and dairy products from infected animals. Prevention of listeriosis is by avoiding unpasteurized milk and dairy products and it is treatable with antibiotics. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite of cats,which are the definitive hosts in which the parasite completes its life cycle and produces eggs that are exteriorized in the faeces. Secondary hosts include pigs,sheep and humans. Humans catch the disease from eating poorly cooked meat from infected pigs and sheep,or from accidentally swallowing eggs with food or water contaminated with cat faeces. Toxoplasmosis can be avoided by avoiding close proximity with cats and is treatable with antibiotics. Pregnant women who get infected by these pathogens may miscarry. Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis, Brucella canis and Brucella abortus, which normally infect various species of domestic animals, can infect humans through unpasteurized milk from infected animals or from contact with reproductive tract fluids. They cause flu like symptoms with the fever rising and falling over Listeria monocytogenes usually affects sheep, goats and cattle but may infect humans through consumption of unpasteurized milk and dairy products from infected animals. Prevention of listeriosis is by avoiding. unpasteurized milk and dairy products and it is treatable with antibiotics. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite of cats, which are the definitive hosts in which the parasite completes its life cycle and produces eggs that are exteriorized in the faeces. Secondary hosts include pigs, sheep and humans. Humans catch the disease from eating poorly cooked meat from infec ted pigs and sheep, or from accidentally swallowing eggs with food or water contaminated with cat faeces. Toxoplasmosis can be avoided by avoiding close close with cats and is treatable with antibiotics. Pregnant women who get infected by these pathogens may miscarry.
过去,人们常常用“鼾声如雷”来形容一个人睡得香甜,但现在的医学研究已证实:打鼾非但不是睡眠香甜的标志,而且还可能是一种危害人体健康的疾病,因为大部分打鼾者是属于病态性打鼾,其中严重者甚至可以造成夜间猝死,所以有人称该病为“梦中杀手”。    打鼾是一种疾病    过去,人们常常用“鼾声如雷”来形容一个人睡得香甜,但现在的医学研究已证实:打鼾非但不是睡眠香甜的标志,而且还可能是一种危害人体健康的疾病
中立桥荒置13年被拆,政府损失超过2亿元6月10日,跨越黄河13年的大桥—中立桥拆除,剩下隔河相对的两座索塔和两侧的引桥地基计划于7月6日前全部拆除。 Neutral Bridge Abando