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2015年中国有望成为全球头号包装大国随着中国商品经济的发展,我国包装印刷市场出现了行业繁荣。预计在“十二五”期间,我国包装印刷业每年将继续保持8%—9%的速度健康平稳发展,到“十二五”末,行业总产值将达到3600亿元,行业平均利润率将达到9%左右。中国有望在2015年成为全球头号包装大国。聚氨酯3项国家标准立项评审近年来,我国聚氨酯工业一直保持快速发展态势,2013年总产量达870万吨,聚氨酯产品产销量占全球总产量40%以上,生产和消费规模稳居世界首位。但在快速发展的同时,聚氨酯工业存 2015 China is expected to become the world’s number one packaging power With the development of China’s commodity economy, China’s packaging and printing market has emerged in the industry boom. It is expected that during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, China’s packaging and printing industry will continue to maintain a healthy and steady growth rate of 8% -9% each year. By the end of the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, the total output value of the industry will reach 360 billion yuan, The average profit margin will reach about 9%. China is expected to become the number one packaging power in the world by 2015. In recent years, China’s polyurethane industry has maintained a rapid development trend. In 2013, the total output reached 8.7 million tons. The production and sales of polyurethane products accounted for more than 40% of the global output, ranking first in the world in terms of production and consumption scale. But at the same time of rapid development, the polyurethane industry deposits
第一部分 (满分 1 0 0分 )一、填空题 (每题 3分 ,共 2 4分 )1.-2的相反数是 .2 .今年我市参加中考的考生预计将达到5 90 0 0人 ,这个数用科学记数法表示应记作.3 .若x=-2是方
A science teacher was sent to aschool in a faraway village.On hisfirst day he talked about modern sci-ence and how it helps humanprogress.He told about space c