
来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duaneking
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推动我国城乡文化产业一体化发展是实现我国城乡经济社会一体化发展的需要,是丰富人民精神文化生活的需要。城市文化产业和农村文化产业各具特色、独立发展,但是又相互融合、相互作用。我们发展文化产业时既要看到它们的个性和独立性,突出特色,平衡发展,同时又要看到它们的联系和统一性,统筹规划,协调互动,实现城乡融合发展。 To promote the integrated development of urban and rural cultural industries in our country is the need to realize the economic and social integration of urban and rural areas in our country and to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people. Urban cultural industries and rural cultural industries have their own characteristics and develop independently, but they also integrate and interact with each other. When we develop our cultural industries, we must not only see their individuality and independence, highlight their own characteristics and balance their development, but also see their connection and unity, make overall plans, coordinate and interact with each other, and achieve the integration of urban and rural areas.
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当今世界,各类矛盾频发,动乱不已,军事冲突和战争的频率远高于冷战时期,一代人对和平的企望灰飞烟灭。国际霸权主义的穷兵黩武,是造成这种局面的主要根源。这就使我国抗御霸权侵袭、维护领土主权和海洋权益、实现国家统一的斗争,乃至今后的发展,面临着新的严峻形势。  基于这种现实,习近平主席去年底视察广州战区时指出,“实现中华民族伟大复兴,是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想。可以说,这个梦是强国梦,对军队来说也是
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