
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q542936575
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建湖县位于苏北里下河地区,具有典型的“湖荡密布,沟河纵横”的水乡特色。近几年来,县委、县政府为了充分发挥这一自然优势,加快农村往宅现代化的步伐,从改革村镇建设方式入手,改善农房的式样和质量,大力地推进农村庄宅多元化和现代化,为加速农村城市化进程,探索了一条成功之路。 一、在认识上做文章,破除旧观念。 根据村镇建设的新形势、新特点、新要求,县委、县政府认真分析了全县农房建设的现状,统一了思想认识,一致认为:尽管这几年全县农房建设出现了前所未有的好势头,但也存在着不容忽视的问题,譬如大部分农房建设仍沿袭着 Jianhu County is located in the Lixia River in Northern Jiangsu Province, with the typical characteristics of the water village of “lake covered with dense cloth and gully river”. In recent years, in order to give full play to this natural advantage, the county party committee and county government have speeded up the pace of rural modernization, starting with the reform of village and town construction, improving the style and quality of farmhouses, vigorously promoting the diversification and modernization of rural houses, In order to accelerate the process of urbanization in rural areas, we have explored a road to success. First, make a fuss about our understanding and get rid of old ideas. According to the new situation, new features and new requirements of village and town construction, the county party committee and county government carefully analyzed the status quo of the construction of farmhouses in the county and unified their ideological understanding. They agreed that although the construction of farmhouses in this county has been unprecedented in recent years Momentum, but there are also issues that can not be ignored, for example, most of the construction of rural housing is still followed
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脊髓血管畸形在儿童很少见。本文报道的这例1岁儿童,由于腰穿后发生截瘫,从而发现其脊髓血管畸形。最后通过MRI确诊。本病的自然结局有其特征,即永久性截瘫。 Spinal vascul