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随着当今科学技术的不断发展,数码科技的不断进步,新媒体科技技术的运用也越来越广泛。传统的媒体主要包括报纸﹑杂志﹑广播﹑甚至路灯牌。而新媒体是指在新的技术支撑下出现的新型媒体形式。目前人们对数码科技的不断的认知和运用,并把数码艺术大量的运用于生活实践之中,如今新媒体大量运用在现在的舞台表现上。最有代表性的就是LED屏幕介入当今舞台。舞台艺术经历了从早期的露天祭场、神堂、镜框式舞台、发展到当今的新媒体舞台。从传统绘制背景的舞台到现代以LED显示屏为背景的数字虚拟舞台都是一场科技的革新。 With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous advancement of digital technology, the application of new media technology has become more and more widespread. Traditional media mainly include newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, and even street signage. The new media refers to the emergence of new technologies under the new media form. At present, people are constantly cognizant of the digital technology and their application, and make a great deal of use of digital art in the life practice. Nowadays, the new media is extensively used in the present stage performance. The most representative is the LED screen involved in today’s stage. Stage art has gone from the early open altar, Shentang, mirror-box stage, the development of today’s new media arena. From the traditional stage of the background to the background of the modern LED display as the background of the digital virtual stage is a technological innovation.
One new coordination polymer, namely {[Zn(HL)(Hbipy)]2·3H2O}n(bipy = 4,4?-bipyridine, H4 L = 6-(3?,4?-dicarboxyl-phenoxy) isophthalic acid), has been synthesiz
晚疫病是影响马铃薯安全生产的恶性病害,一旦暴发流行,产量损失严重。入汛以来,西北、东北秋马铃薯产区雨水充沛,利于马铃薯晚疫病流行为害。据全国农作物重大病虫 Late bli
目的 :探讨腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥除术后卵巢创面止血的方法。方法 :30例卵巢囊肿患者行腹腔镜手术 ,其中 2 8例腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥除术采用套圈结扎止血法处理卵巢创面。结果 :
TRS 图书馆数字化内容管理解决方案是以图书馆的各种类型数字资源为中心,以为读者提供方便、快捷的信息服务为目的,围绕数字资源的建设、数字资源的管理、数字资源的发布和
截至目前,中国石油已研发出多项催化裂化技术,形成催化裂化技术集群。催化裂化装置是炼油厂最重要的装置之一,尤其在我国,催化裂化能力约占一次总加工能力的40%。我国 Up to