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2000年7月28日上午,中国北京世纪坛上空,萦绕着一首童声与混声合唱曲—《为了明天的友谊和平》:“睁开你的眼睛/享有同样的天空/再不要硝烟弥漫云雾重重/伸出你的双手/紧握同样的热诚/哪怕语言不通习惯不同/敞开你的心灵/奉献你的深情/让清平世界在爱中诞生/让我们心相连情爱交融/为了明天的友谊和平”。第五届中国国际合唱节闭幕式上的歌声驱散了七月的酷热,使全场沉浸在和谐的共鸣之中……金奖银奖似乎不是人们的焦点话题。和平、友谊与参与意识让人们激情难抑。大会刚宣布结束,各路团员留恋不舍争相合影,赠物签名,人人脸挂泪花,眼含深 On the morning of July 28, 2000, over the Millennium altar in Beijing, China, there was a sound of children’s voice and mixed-tone song “Peace for Friendship Tomorrow”: “open your eyes / enjoy the same sky / no more clouds of smoke Heavy / extend your hands / hold the same enthusiasm / even if the language is different from the habit of different / open your heart / dedication of your affection / let the world peace in love was born / let us connect with the heart love / peace for tomorrow’s friendship ”. The song of the closing ceremony of the Fifth China International Chorus Festival has dispelled the intense heat of July and immersed the audience in a harmonious resonance. The Gold Award Silver Award does not seem to be the focus of people’s attention. Peace, friendship and sense of participation make people’s emotions difficult to suppress. The Assembly has just announced the end of all members of the regret not competing group photos, gifts signature, everyone tears, eyes deep
天津商学院北戴河分院名誉院长郑东教授近日研发成功不锈钢防锈包装纸专利技术,近期产品已投放市场。目前使用的防止金属锈蚀的包装纸,有气相型和接触型的,但均 Recently,
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摘 要:新时期,如何构建高效的数学课堂,成为数学教师们重点思考的问题。本文以北师大版高中数学为例,着重探究“如何构建新时期的高中数学课堂教学模式”这一问题。  关键词:高中数学;课堂教学;教学模式;教学现状;教学策略  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)14-001-01  高中数学是一门数学理论知识与逻辑运算能力并重的学科。教师在高中的数学课堂教
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