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60年前,中国工农红军在二万五千里长征途中,谱写了震惊中外的“爬雪山、过草地”的悲壮诗篇。 也许人们还不知道,就在这片神奇的雪山草地上,如今驻守着一支空军雷达兵部队。31年来,他们出色地完成了国内国际航班、专机、训练飞机近30万架次的引导任务,优质情报率始终保持在98%以上,两个雷达站都曾荣立过集体二等功。今年7月,这支部队又被空军评为“建设社会主义精神文明先进单位”,并荣立集体一等功。 Sixty years ago, the Red Army of China’s Workers and Peasants wrote a poignant poem about the “climbing the snow-capped mountains and over the grasslands” that shocked both China and foreign countries during the long journey of 25,000. Perhaps people still do not know, in this magical snow mountain grassland, now stationed in an Air Force radar unit. In the past 31 years, they have accomplished well the guidance missions of nearly 300,000 flights of domestic and international airplanes, special planes and training planes. The quality intelligence rate has been maintained at over 98%. Both of the two radar stations have established the collective second-class merit. In July this year, the force was again rated by the Air Force as “an advanced unit in building a socialist spiritual civilization.”
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