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华安水电站大坝安全第二次定期检查工作,由福建省电力有限公司负责组织,从2002年1月开始先后组织召开了两次定检专家组会议。2003年1月18~21日召开第二次定期检查报告,同意华安水电站大坝评定为正常坝(尚待上报审批)。至此,华安水电站大坝安全第二次定期 The second regular inspection of the dam safety of Huaan Hydropower Station was organized by Fujian Provincial Electric Power Co., Ltd., and from January 2002, it successively organized two inspection panel meetings. January 2003 18-21 held the second periodic inspection report, agreed that the dam Huaan Hydropower Station as a normal dam (yet to be submitted for approval). At this point, the dam safety of Huaan Hydropower Station for the second time on a regular basis
BACKGROUND:In diabetic nerves,activation of the polyol pathway via an aldose reductase and the resulting impairment of the Na+-K+pump would lead to a decreased
20 0 2年 1 1月 ,广东省水利厅在广东省召开了新一代橡胶坝技术推广会。会议邀请中国水利水电科学院、橡胶坝学术组专家作了学术报告 ,广东省水电设计研究院、河源市水务局、
项目名称获奖单位获奖人员喷灌工程i十算銎冀挈设计软件 北京市水利水电技术中心中国农业大学 (一等奖) ’㈨小’。‘川¨r“p~^1、’’u 。蹦’、一八’北京市现代化节水型农
A linear stability analysis on the circular pipe flow of fiber suspensions is presented. The fiber orientation tensors are used to describe the characteristics
为确保龙滩水电工程能够按时截流 ,2 0 0 3年 10月 12~ 13日 ,龙滩水电工程截流验收委员会对龙滩工程截流关键项目进行全面验收。截流验收委员会由 39名领导和专家组成。中国
Background &Aims: Secreted immunoglobulins play an integral role in host defense at mucosal surfaces, and recent evidence shows that IgG can participate in anti