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6月6日在上海举行的APEC贸易部长会议,再次将人们的目光聚集在当前世界贸易中的种种热点、难点、焦点问题上。这些问题因贸易全球化进程的加快而被放大,变得日益迫切起来。能否顺利地解决这些问题,同时又兼顾各方利益,是把世界贸易导向一个更为健康的发展环境的关键。 世界贸易在20世纪后半叶增长了19倍,而且迄今仍然是改善人们生活水平的关键因素。尤其是发展中国家,过去的十年中平均5.6%的经济增长率的取得,与迅速发展的世界贸易是分不开的。在社会福利方面发展中国家也从世界贸易中获得了巨大收益。 一直到90年代中期,贸易和全球金融自由化所带来的进步似乎能够席卷一切。但是,此后爆发的亚洲金融危机以及随之而来的俄罗斯、巴西和最近的阿根廷的金融危机带给人们的教训,使得对全球化末来的看法产生了分歧。 由于全球化贸易体系是建立在一系列规则的基础上,而这些根据中心国家决定性影响建立的世界秩序的规则,实施进程导致许多不合理性,对发展中国家造成不平等,尤其是造成世界贫富差距的不断扩大,使得对全球化未来的分歧进一加剧。 但是,全球化是一个客观存在,无论富国还是穷国都必须正视伴随全球化进程而出现的新矛盾、新挑战与新威胁。 The meeting of APEC trade ministers held on 6 June in Shanghai once again gathered people’s attention on the hot issues, difficulties and the focus of the current world trade. These problems are exacerbated by the acceleration of the process of trade globalization and are becoming increasingly urgent. Whether these problems can be successfully solved while taking into consideration the interests of all parties at the same time is the key to guiding world trade to a healthier environment for development. World trade increased 19 times in the second half of the 20th century and has so far remained a key factor in improving people’s living standards. In developing countries in particular, the average rate of economic growth of 5.6% over the past decade has been inseparable from the rapid development of world trade. Developing countries in social welfare have also benefited greatly from world trade. Until the mid-1990s, the progress made by trade and global financial liberalization seemed to sweep through everything. However, the ensuing Asian financial crisis and the ensuing financial crises in Russia, Brazil and, more recently, Argentina have led to disagreements over the future view of globalization. As the globalized trading system is based on a series of rules that under the decisive influence of the rules of the world order established by the central countries, the implementation process has led to many irrationality and has caused inequality in developing countries, in particular the world’s poor The widening gap between the rich and the poor has intensified the disagreement over the future of globalization. However, globalization is an objective reality. Both the rich and the poor countries must face up to the new contradictions, new challenges and new threats that accompany the globalization process.