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美国的广大读者从今年5月10日的《波士顿先驱报》看到一则美大陆航空公司的广告:从波士顿到洛杉矶的单程票价48美元。这条广告立即引起轰动,一时间人们争相购买。很快便卖出了2万张往返机票,有的人还一次买了几百张。为什么会这样轰动呢?原来该机票本应为148美元,只因为打广告词时漏掉了 The vast majority of readers in the United States have seen an advertisement by Continental Airlines from the Boston Herald on May 10 this year: a one-way fare of $ 48 from Boston to Los Angeles. This ad immediately caused a sensation, for a time people competing to buy. Soon they sold 20,000 round-trip air tickets, some people also bought a few hundred. Why would it be such a sensation? The original ticket should be $ 148, simply because the advertising omission
谢宝成在1993年3月15日《光明日报》上就史学在市场经济大潮中,如何实现自身价值撰文谈了自己的看法。谢文认为,首先在观念上要承认史学工作的劳 Xie Baocheng talked his
The BclI polymorphism within DXS52 (St14) was reported. It was composed of 4 allelic fragments 4.0 kb, 3.3 kb, 3.0 kb and 2.3 kb, The frequency of these fragme
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
The earth forest is a geomorphic type of the running water found in recent years in China. At some distribution regions of loose or semicemented fluviolacustrin
在高考理综新课标试卷中,共有8道选择题,在考场上考生能否顺利完成选择题,关乎整场考试的成败。如何迅速、准确求解选择题值得研究和关注,本文我结合自己的教学实际总结了求解选择题的六种方法,希望对同学们有所启发和帮助。  一、假设法:  假设法就是根据题目中的已知条件或结论做出某种假设,然后进行一番推导,推出“假设成立或假设不成立”的结论,从而找出正确的答案。利用假设法处理某些物理问题,往往能够突破思维
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In attempting to study the phototherapeutic action and the photosensitized oxygenation mechanism, we have determined the crystal structure of the main oxidized
Choline dehydrogenase contains the prosthetic group FAD, non-haem iron and acid labile sulfur. However, the absorption spectra of the purified enzyme do not cha