张左已省长强调 要抢抓机遇 扎实苦干 加快我省非公有制经济发展

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11月16日,省委、省政府召开全省发展非公有制经济工作会议。会议强调,要以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以科学发展观为统领。全面贯彻落实党的十六大、十六届五中全会精神和《国务院关于鼓励支持和引导个体私营等非公有制经济发展的若干意见》要求,解放思想,转变观念,抢抓机遇,扎实苦干,进一步完善政策措施和服务体系,努力营造良好社会氛围,加快规模扩张,加强自主创新,提升发展层次,促进质量提高,实现我省非公有制经济发展的新跨越。省委书记、省人大常委会主任宋法棠出席会议,省委副书记、省长张左己讲话。张左己省长在讲话中指出,近年来,省委、省政府把加快非公有制经济发展作为全省经济结构调整和经济发展的重点,不断加大推进力度。各地区、各部门解放思想,转变观念,做了大量富有成效的工作,使非公有制经济呈现快速发展的态势,2004年 On November 16, the provincial party committee and the provincial government held a provincial conference on developing non-public ownership economy. The meeting emphasized that we should take the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and take the scientific outlook on development as the guide. Fully implement the requirements of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the “State Council’s Opinions on Encouraging, Supporting and Guiding the Development of Non-public-Owned Economy such as Individual and Private Enterprises”, emancipate the mind, change attitudes, seize opportunities and work hard , Further improve the policy measures and service system, strive to create a good social atmosphere, speed up the expansion of scale, enhance independent innovation, upgrade the development level, promote the quality improvement, and achieve a new leap forward in the development of non-public ownership economy in our province. Provincial Party Secretary, Provincial People’s Congress Chairman Song Fasang attended the meeting, deputy secretary of provincial Party committee, governor Zhang Zuoji speech. Governor Zhang Zuoji pointed out in his speech that in recent years, the provincial party committee and government have made accelerating efforts to speed up the development of the non-public ownership economy as the focus of the province’s economic structural adjustment and economic development. All regions and departments emancipated their minds, changed their concepts and made a great deal of productive work so that the non-public ownership economy will enjoy rapid growth. In 2004,
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