Advanced flow measurement and active flow control of aircraft with MEMS

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudifeng20008
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Advanced flow measurement and active flow control need the development of new type devices and systems.Micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS) technologies become the important and feasible approach for micro transducers fabrication.This paper introduces research works of MEMS/NEMS Lab in flow measurement sensors and active flow control actuators.Micro sensors include the flexible thermal sensor array,capacitive shear stress sensor and high sensitivity pressure sensor.Micro actuators are the balloon actuator and synthetic jet actuator respectively.Through wind tunnel test,these micro transducers achieve the goals of shear stress and pressure distribution measurement,boundary layer separation control,lift enhancement,etc.And unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) flight test verifies the ability of maneuver control of micro actuator.In the future work,micro sensor and actuator can be combined into a closed-loop control system to construct aerodynamic smart skin system for aircraft. Advanced flow measurement and active flow control need the development of new type devices and systems. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technologies become the important and feasible approach for micro-transducers fabrication. This paper introduces research works of MEMS / NEMS Lab in flow MEMS sensors include the flexible thermal sensor array, capacitive shear stress sensor and high sensitivity pressure sensor. Micro actuators are the balloon actuator and synthetic jet actuator respectively. Through wind tunnel test, these micro transducers achieve the goals of shear stress and pressure distribution measurement, boundary layer separation control, lift enhancement, etc. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight test verifies the ability of maneuver control of micro actuator. in the future work, micro sensor and actuator can be combined into a closed-loop control system to construct aerodynamic smart skin system for aircraft.
摘 要:初中体育教学中,教学改革最重要的就是激发学生体育学习的兴趣,在学习中帮助学生认识体育锻炼的重要性,树立终身体育锻炼的意识。体育教学新理念的渗透,主要取决于教师对教学理念解读的深度。学生是学习的主体,初中生身体正处于成长快速期,在这个时期提高学生体育学习的兴趣,引导他们科学合理的进行体育锻炼,对于学生的身高增长、体质增强都有很大的促进作用。  关键词:提高;初中生;体育学习;兴趣;策略  初
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