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多年来,中国电视纪录片创作,在吸纳外来创作思想、理念的同时,经过自身孜孜不倦的探索,得到了迅速发展,并越来越深刻地影响着电视节目创作的审美走势,成为走向世界、与外界进行交流和对话的主要形式。同时,纪录片的创作意识也渗透到各种不同类型的电视节目中,使受众的审美趣味日渐改变,对真实、真切、客观的纪实节目倍加喜爱。而受众的喜爱,又反过来影响着电视节目创作的理念、定位、形式和方法的进一步改进。长期以来,纪录真实这四个字,几乎成为电视从业人员的口头禅,成为节目创作的法宝和改头换面的灵丹妙药。其实就目前各类纪实节目的现状而言,许多节目在运用纪录的手法进行创作时,还未真正弄懂何为“纪录的真实”,在揭示客观存在的深刻性上,在对客观存在的具体把握上,还处在表面化和概念化的状态。许多创作者错误地认为,镜头所拍摄的客观存在,就是在纪录客观的真实,就是事物的本来面目。忽视了纪录的真实来自于创作者对生活的态度和认识,使节目不论在对生活的认识、主题的把握上,还是在思想的提升、真实的发现上,都存在着挂一漏万顾表失里的倾向。长此以往,创作者自身便处于越做越糊涂,越做越不知自己是谁的困境之中。究其原因,我认为主要是在何为“客观存在”和何为“纪录真实”上存在误区。 Over the years, documentary filmmaking in China has absorbed the ideas and ideas of foreign artists and developed rapidly through its own tireless exploration. It has also influenced the aesthetic trend of TV program creation more and more deeply and has become a trend toward the world and the world The main form of exchange and dialogue. At the same time, the documentary’s creative awareness also infiltrates various types of television programs, changing the aesthetic taste of audiences more and more, and loving real, true and objective documentary programs. The popularity of the audience, in turn, affects the concept, positioning, form and method of TV program creation. For a long time, the real record of these four words has almost become the mantra of television practitioners, becoming a magic weapon for program creation and a miraculous cure. In fact, in terms of the current status of all kinds of documentary programs, many programs have not really understood what constitutes “true record” when they make use of the methods of recording. In revealing the profoundness of objective existence, Specific grasp, still in the surface and conceptualization. Many creators mistakenly think that the objective existence of the shot is the objective reality, that is, the true colors of things. Ignoring the truth of the record comes from the creators’ attitudes and understanding of life, making the program not only find its way out of its grasp of life, its theme, but also in its ascension and true discovery tendency. In the long run, the creators themselves are becoming more and more confused, the more I do not know who is the predicament. The reason, I think mainly in what is “objective existence” and what is “real record” there are errors.
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