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3月27日至29日,南京图书馆召开的2002年度全省省辖市公共馆馆长例会暨辅导工作会议在南京举行。参加会议的有全省各省辖市公共图书馆馆长和辅导部主任、南京图书馆领导和辅导部主任以及有关方面人员共计33人。省文化厅王慧芬副厅长及文化厅社文处负责同志出席了会 March 27 to 29, held in Nanjing Library in 2002, the province’s provincial municipal public hall curator and counseling work conference held in Nanjing. Attending the meeting were the director of the public library and counseling department of the provincial cities under the jurisdiction of the province, the director of the Nanjing Library and director of the counseling department, and a total of 33 people. Wang Huifen, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Culture and responsible officer of the Department of Culture and Social Welfare Department attended the meeting
The Bi OBr crystals doped with N and/or S have been prepared by a facile and rapid solvothermal method using urea and/or thiourea as doped resource.The morpholo
In this work,triphenylamine pyridine acetonitrile compounds Py A1,Py A2 and Py A3 are designed and synthesized.They show green fluorescence in water and bright
We extend the recent formulation of the Ewald sum for electrostatics in a two-dimensionally periodic three-dimensional multiatom layer or two-dimensional single
1 病例病例1,女,48岁,因高血压、脑血栓、冠心病史,右侧肢体无力半天而入院。查体温36℃,脉搏78次/min,血压16/10kPa。入院后予20%甘露醇125ml加速尿20mg静滴,每日2次。第1天第2次静滴
The thermodynamic model of the extraction of W with primary amine under near neutral conditions is reported in this paper. The activity coefficients of the none
目的 探讨B超对子宫腺肌症的诊断价值。方法 探头移至下腹部对子宫及附件进行多切面检查。结果 超声诊断 3 4例子宫腺肌症 ,经手术、病理证实 3 1例为子宫腺肌症 ,3例为子