真情 尽责 便捷 高效 创一流优质服务窗口

来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostwazy
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窗口是形象,窗口是载体,展现的是整个劳动保障部门的工作风貌。创建优质服务窗口,是全面提升劳动保障工作水平的突破口,是劳动保障系统作风建设和业务建设中一项综合性、长期性的工作,意义重大。近年来,我省各级劳动保障服务窗口单位以科学发展观为指导,紧紧围绕劳动保障事业改革发展大局,改进工作作风,改善服务环境,规范服务行为,创新服务形式,取得了显著成绩,涌现出一大批群众满意的优质服务窗口单位,有力地促进了全省劳动保障各项任务的顺利完成。在今年1月召开的全省劳动保障工作会议暨优质服务窗口单位表彰会上,12个单位被授予“全国劳动保障系统2006-2007年度优质服务窗口单位”称号,107个单位被授予“全省劳动保障系统2006-2007年度优质服务窗口单位”称号。从本期开始,我们将陆续介绍一些他们的先进经验,以期对全省各地深入持久地推进创建优质服务窗口起到示范和启示作用。 The window is the image, the window is the carrier, showing the work style of the entire labor and social security department. The creation of a quality service window is a breakthrough in raising the standard of labor security in all aspects. It is a comprehensive and long-term task in the work style building and business construction of the labor security system, and it is of great significance. In recent years, the labor and social security service units at all levels of our province, under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, have made remarkable achievements focusing on the overall reform and development of the labor and social security work, improving the work style, improving the service environment, standardizing service behaviors and innovating service forms. The emergence of a large number of quality service window units that the masses are satisfied with has effectively promoted the successful completion of all tasks of labor security in the province. In January this year, held in the province's work conference on labor security and service window unit commendation ceremony, 12 units were awarded the “National Labor Security System 2006-2007 Annual Service Window Unit” title, 107 units were awarded the “The province's labor and social security system 2006-2007 annual service window unit ” title. Starting from this issue, we will introduce some of their advanced experiences one after another in the hope of demonstrating and inspiring the establishment of a good service window in a long-term and sustained manner across the province.
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