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  Yue Opera Actress Wins International Honor
  By Zhao Zheng, staff reporter of Cultural Dialogue
  Xie Qunying is no stranger to professional honors. A state first-class artist and leading actress of Hangzhou Yue Opera Troupe, she has bagged the country’s highest awards in her career. By winning the China-Japan Friendship Theater Award in Beijing on the morning of November 5, 2005, however, she has added an international honor to her acting career in Yue Opera, which originated in Zhejiang province and has grown into a national phenomenon in the last century. This award is quite extraordinary.
  Her leading role in Flower-Floating Stream won her the fame. It was a new Yue opera tour de force staged by Hangzhou Yue Opera Troupe in 2004. The play tells the story of a big family in the early 20th century China. Though the plot may not sound unordinary, Xie’s role is extraordinary. The female lead grows up from a tender-hearted 18-year-old girl to a stone-hearted 44-year-old mother-in-law in the play.It was a big challenge when Xie was chosen for the leading role.
  In order to best interpret the role, Xie studied references available, consulted experts, went to visit ancient residences in Anhui Province, designed and fine-tuned her performance and singing. In those days of visualizing the role, Xie was totally immersed in the fictitious world. She was so absorbed by the new play that she became absent-minded about other things: she once poured washing powder into the refrigerator while doing laundry at home; she misplaced sugar into the dish she was preparing; while taking a bus, she thought of her arias and then without noticing herself, she began to hum a melody; while watching TV with her family at home one evening, she began to go through her moves in the play and the family burst into laughter.
  Her whole-hearted dedication bore fruit. When the troupe staged the Flower-Floating Stream in Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changsha and other cities, her performance won good reviews from critics as well as applauses from audiences. Some fans traveled hundreds of kilometers to see her. Some theatrical experts even flew from Japan to watch her performance.
  Xie owes her successful career to her indefatigable efforts. When she took the acting lessons in a full-time training school she was 9. After graduation at 14, she entered the Hangzhou Yue Opera Troupe. To learn the performance of the Green Jade Hairpin, she watched the movie for more than 10 times. The arias of the play have become part of her repertoire. Her performances of highlights from Green Jade Hairpin have won hearts of her fans.
  The Plum Blossom Prize she won in 1997 is another testimony to her dedication. In order to put on a solo show of highlights from various Yue Opera classics, she designed a meticulous plan. She wanted everything perfect: roles, costumes, interpretations of various characters. She wished that all things would come together in the solo show to display the highest artistic effects of contrast, difference, and harmony. With her dedication and preparations, success was only natural. When the solo show won her the Plum Blossom Award, her fans were fully convinced that she was worthy of the honor. Calls of congratulations flooded in.
  Xie’s dedication is not award-oriented. She is dedicated to the traditional opera and audience. She goes on regular road shows in rural areas with the troupe. It’s part of her work. With the troupe, she has visited America, Canada, Japan and Singapore.
  (Translated by David)
报道:该矿三大机械(主扇机、压风机和高压泵)的噪声治理结果,1990年对机械车间的三大机械分别建造了隔声观察室。该室由 Reported: The mine three machines (fans, fan and
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