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犤本刊讯犦“WTO与中国”国际经济发展战略高层研讨会于2002年5月24日至25日在全国政协礼堂召开。出席开幕式的外国贵宾有:意大利前副总理兼外长、现任意大利总理国际事务顾问贾尼·德未凯利斯先生,以及印尼、古巴、泰国、意大利等国驻华大使等。全国人大副委员长王 犤 本 刊 犦 犦 “WTO and China” International Economic Development Strategy High-level Seminar On May 24, 2002 to 25, held in the CPPCC National Committee Auditorium. Foreign guests attending the opening ceremony are: Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Italy, current adviser to Italian Prime Minister Jani Debu Kelisi, and ambassadors to Indonesia, Cuba, Thailand and Italy. NPC Vice Chairman Wang
In this paper, we discuss the convergence of the Broyden algorithms with revised search direction. Under some inexact line searches, we prove that the algorithm
老年肥胖是很多疾病的根源,因此肥胖被认为是不健康的体型。“千金难买老来瘦”“瘦者为寿”之说,让瘦成了很多中老年人心目中的健康标准,甚至认为瘦的人一般比胖的人长寿。但瘦真的比胖健康吗?五邑中医院老年科医生冯婉枝表示,中老年人过于消瘦并不代表健康。  通过体重指数、体脂率判断自己是否肥胖    体重指数BMI是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准,它是用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出
Assume an unreliable workstation performing jobs with a random service time, namely, it occasionally breaks down because of unexpected interruptions. As an inte
In this paper, we propose an information-theoretic-criterion-based model selection procedure for log-linear model of contingency tables under multinomial sampli
Recently, double projection methods for solving variational inequalities have received much attention due to their fewer projection times at each iteration. In
This paper deals with the asymptotic behaviour of solutions for the generalized symmetric regularized long wave equations with dissipation term. We first show t
Using outward rotations, we obtain an approximation algorithm for MAX n/2-UNCUT problem, i.e., partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph into two blocks of