
来源 :四川政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong566
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根据国务院关于必须集中有限资金保证当前经济工作重点需要的通知精神,省政府决定对重点企业流动资金安排和使用效果实行双向目标责任制。现将我省一九九三年重点企业流动资金安排及使用效果双向目标责任制明细表印发你们,并将有关事项通知于后,请遵照执行。一、省列的这批重点企业,是按承担国家指令性生产和购销任务,关系国计民生并对我 According to the State Council’s circular on the need to focus limited funds on the current economic priorities, the provincial government decided to implement a two-way target responsibility system for liquidity arrangements and the use of key enterprises. Now we will issue a detailed list of the two-way target responsibility system for the liquidity of key enterprises in 1993 in our province and inform us of relevant issues and follow them. First, the provinces listed in these key enterprises, according to the commitment of national mandatory production and marketing tasks, the relationship between the people’s livelihood and me
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