Advances in quantum dot-mediated siRNA delivery

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DNGOUSIYMMY
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Nano-sized quantum dots(QDs) exhibit uniquely optical properties that are tunable with different sizes and shapes.QDs can emit narrow symmetric bands under a wide excitation range,possess antiphotobleaching stability,and be bio-functionalized on the large surface area.Therefore,QDs are attractive vectors for imaging-guided therapy.Small-interfering RNA(siRNAs)-based therapeutics hold great potential to target a large part of the currently undruggable genes,but overcoming the lipid bilayer to deliver siRNA into cells has remained a major challenge to solve for widespread development of siRNA therapeutics.In this mini-review,we focus on theranostic QD/siRNA assembles for enhancing delivery of siRNA and facilitating evaluation of therapeutic efficacy via imaging of QDs,with special attention to carbonaceous QDs for delivery of siRNA. Nano-sized quantum dots (QDs) exhibit uniquely optical properties that are tunable with different sizes and shapes. QDs can emit narrow symmetric bands under a wide excitation range, possess anti-photobleaching stability, and be bio-functionalized on the large surface area. Wherefore, QDs are attractive vectors for imaging-guided therapy. -mall-interfering RNA (siRNAs) -based therapeutics hold great potential to target a large part of the currently undruggable genes, but overcoming the lipid bilayer to deliver siRNA into cells has remained a major challenge to solve for widespread development of siRNA therapeutics. In this mini-review, we focus on theranostic QD / siRNA assembles for enhancing delivery of siRNA and facilitating evaluation of therapeutic efficacy via imaging of QDs, with special attention to carbonaceous QDs for delivery of siRNA.
因基底动脉尖端部位血循环障碍所引起的以意识障碍、瞳孔异常及眼球运动障碍为主要表现的临床综合征 ,称为基底动脉尖综合征 (TOBS)。现报告 1例。患者 ,男 ,5 9岁。因突发意
1 病 例例 1,患者 ,男性 ,40岁 ,因手抖半年 ,走路不稳、吐词不清半月入院 ,患者半年前在执筷、玩牌时出现轻微手抖 ,偶尔出现饮水呛咳 ,以后手抖逐渐加重 ,书写困难 ,入院
笔者自1989~1992年试用无味红霉素加甲氧苄氨嘧啶(TMP)短程治疗急性菌痢36例,取得了满意疗效。 1 临床资料 1.1 病例选择及症状和诊断 患者36例,男25例,女11例。年龄16~63岁,
In recent years,various transformable nanoparticles(NPs)were successfully prepared and widely utilized for biomedical applications.The sizes,surface charges or
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