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例1 患儿男,4岁。因不自主发笑反复发作8d入院。患儿8d前无特殊诱因出现不自主的发笑,呼之不应,持续30s~1min,随后神志清楚。无凝视,无抽搐,近日来发作频繁,日达7~8次,未经任何治疗。1岁时曾有跌倒头部外伤史,但无头皮血肿,亦无昏迷、呕吐及抽搐。智力发育良好,无癫痫家族史。查体:发育营养正常、神清,头颅无异常,瞳孔等大,对光反应好,心肺正常,神经系统检查无特殊,头颅CT检查正常,肝肾功能,血沉均正常。第1次脑电电图检查未见异常,半月后复查前额部出现中、高幅θ波阵发。即以苯妥因钠(100mg/d),鲁米那(60mg/d)治疗,2周后发作次数减少,持续时间缩短,家长能够打断其发作,3周后发作基本控制。继续服药治疗。临床诊断:精神运动性癫痫-发笑型。例2 男性,12岁。因进食时咀嚼中断反复发作1年余入院。患儿1年前在进食时突然咀嚼动作中断,食物不能下咽,持续1~2min,家长给予局部 Example 1 children male, 4 years old. Due to involuntary laughter recurrent episodes 8d admission. Children without special incentives before 8d appear involuntary laughter, call should not be sustained for 30s ~ 1min, followed by conscious. No stare, no convulsions, frequent seizures in recent days, up to 7 to 8 times, without any treatment. At age 1, there was a history of head trauma, but no scalp hematoma nor coma, vomiting and convulsions. Good mental development, no family history of epilepsy. Physical examination: normal development and nutrition, God clear, no abnormal skull, pupils and other large, good response to light, normal heart and lung, nervous system examination no special, normal skull CT examination, liver and kidney function, erythrocyte sedimentation rate are normal. The first EEG examination no abnormalities, half a month after the review of the forehead appeared in high-amplitude θ-wave burst. That the phenytoin sodium (100mg / d), luminal (60mg / d) treatment, two weeks after the seizures decreased the duration of shortening, parents can interrupt the onset of seizures after 3 weeks of basic control. Continue to take medication. Clinical diagnosis: psychomotor epilepsy - amused type. Example 2 male, 12 years old. Recurrent mastication due to eating recurrent more than 1 year admitted to hospital. Children with eating masturbation suddenly interrupted 1 year ago, food can not swallow for 1 ~ 2min, parents give local
我所拥有的一切都应该归功于我智慧的妈妈,归功于那些曾经让我痛恨不已的计划表,现在的我确实体会到妈妈的话是对的。 I owe everything I owe to my wise mother, thanks t
4岁的迈克居住在美国佛罗里达州。父母平时工作都非常忙,对迈克的家庭教育不够重视,基本上就是孩子要什么,就给什么。久而久之,迈克变得骄纵起来,不爱惜食物、玩具。 4-year
现在的孩子绝对比以往任何时候都金贵,也比任何时候都在被大人们琢磨,琢磨孩子的一颦一笑;琢磨孩子的吃喝拉撒;琢磨孩子的心理情绪; Now the children are absolutely more
规则变化:    1.一般情况直接加s, 如cake—cakes。  2.以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加es,如watch—watches, box—boxes, brush—brushes(但stomach—stomachs除外)。  3.以o结尾的加es(初中所学有“英雄hero”“黑人Negro” 爱吃 “土豆potato”和“西红柿tomato”)。  4.以辅音字母+y结尾的把y改为
目的探讨闭式胸膜活检对胸腔积液的诊断价值。方法采用改良的 Cope针对 10 1例胸腔积液患者行胸膜活检。结果 91例(90 .0 % )取得胸膜组织 ,81例 (80 .2 % )经胸膜活检确诊胸