Design of hexagon microstrip antenna for vehicle-to-vehicle communication

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chren1981
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Considering the shortcomings of the existing vehicle-to-vehicle(V2V) communication antennas, this paper proposes a regular hexagon broadband microstrip antenna. By loading shorting pins and etching V-shape slots with different size at each angle of the regular hexagon patch, it realizes impedance matching and obtains better impedance bandwidth. The simulated results show that the relative bandwidth of this antenna reaches 35.55%, covers the frequency band of 4.74 GHz to 6.79 GHz. The antenna acquires an omni-directional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane whose out of roundness is less than 0.5 d B. In addition, the antenna is manufactured and tested, whose tested results are basically consistent with simulated results. Because the height of antenna is 3 mm, it is easy to be hidden on roof of a vehicle for V2 V communication. Considering the shortcomings of the existing vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication antennas, this paper proposes a regular hexagon broadband microstrip antenna. By loading shorting pins and etching V-shape slots with different size at each angle of the regular hexagon patch, it realizes the impedance matching and taller impedance bandwidth. The antenna acquires an omni-directional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane whose out of the roundness is less than 0.5 d B. In addition, the antenna is manufactured and tested, the antenna is manufactured consistent with a simulated result. Since the height of the antenna is 3 mm, it is easy to be hidden on the roof of a vehicle for V2 V communication.
摘 要:《广岛之恋》采用意识流手法,打破了传统电影“情节模式”的叙事框架,采用跳跃多变的时空布局,并通过内心独白的语言形式营造出一个丰富隐秘的内心世界。  关键词:《广岛之恋》;意识流;内心世界  1959年,“一颗精神原子弹”横空出世在世界影坛,拉开了西方电影从传统到现代的帷幕,它就是由新小说代表作家瑪格丽特·杜拉斯与“左岸派”导演阿仑·雷乃合作的作品《广岛之恋》。  这部影片给我印象最深的就是
摘 要:随着科学技术的发展,信息技术已被广泛运用于人们生活的各个领域,信息技能已成为我国社会对人才的基本要求。可见,信息技术教育的工作对于一个国家未来的发展有着至关重要的意义。但是,现在在中小学信息教学中仍存在一系列的问题。本文通过对信息教学中存在的部分问题进行分析,并提出了相应的解决策略。  关键词:信息技术教学;存在问题;解决策略  一、引言  信息技术课程是为了适应现代社会信息技术的发展和新