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明基借Sonoma的东风推出了几款采用新数字编号开头的新机型,代表轻便的S系列就有两款新产品,一款是4月份我们Sonoma机型横评中出现过的S52,另一款就是现在评测的这款S72。面向不同层次用户的S72采用尺寸更大的14英寸宽屏LCD屏幕,并且为了突出影音娱乐性能,还使用性能更高的独立显卡芯片。稍早一些推出的明基S52是国内第一款推出的13英寸宽屏Sonoma平台迅驰机型,而姗姗来迟的明基S72则要在14英寸宽屏Sonoma市场上面对众多的竞争对手,像华硕W3V、七喜欣达KW160、联想天逸100等。面对如此激烈的市场竞争,本身没有什么特别的实力是不可能在竞争中脱颖而出的,我们就一起来看看明基S72有什么过人之处。 BenQ borrowed Sonoma’s Dongfeng introduced several new models beginning with the new numbering, on behalf of the lightweight S series there are two new products, one is the S52 that appeared in our April Sonoma horizontal evaluation, the other This section is now evaluating this S72. S72 for different levels of users using a larger 14-inch widescreen LCD screen, and in order to highlight the entertainment performance, but also use a higher performance discrete graphics chip. The launch of the BenQ S52 earlier was the first 13-inch widescreen Sonoma platform Centrino in the country, while the late BenQ S72 had to contend with rivals such as the Asus W3V in the 14-inch widescreen Sonoma market. , Seven hi Xinda KW160, Lenovo Tianyi 100 and so on. In the face of such fierce market competition, there is no special strength itself is impossible to stand out in the competition, let’s take a look at BenQ S72 What an extraordinary.
5月10日 晴  “书签不见了!”我的脑子里一片空白!  “肯定是有人翻看了我的日记本!”我立即想到,并且肯定了我的想法,因为我有一个习惯:每天晚上写完日记,都要把书签放在这一页上,而昨天放的书签现在却不见了!  我不能断定是爸爸还是妈妈翻看了我的日记,但是他们其中肯定有人看了!  我躺在床上,辗转反侧难以入睡,心里一阵迷茫:“我该怎么办?到底是爸爸还是妈妈看了我的日记?明天他们会不会给我‘上课’
我喜欢吃西瓜,圆圆的像个大皮球,穿着一身绿绿的外衣,看起来很美味,吃起来香甜甜。我喜欢吃葡萄,紫紫的皮肤,圆圆的身 I like to eat watermelon, round like a big ball, w
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课堂提问既是教学的重要手段,更是一种教学艺术,它被广泛运用于教学过程中,成为联系师生思维活动的纽带。良好的课堂提问是开启学生智慧之门的钥匙。 Classroom questioning