红石·中央花苑 点石成玉的居住魅力

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最初,注意到红石房产的作品,是因为湖墅南路上熠熠生辉的玉环造型 LOGO,然后是“红石·中央花苑”沉稳的砖红色大字,和最下面“生活从此有中心”一行温暖的小字,直入人心。按红石房产万总的说法就是,红石·中央花苑的区域和地段犹如一块天资良好的璞玉,需要我们将其打磨成真正的“玉”。玉不琢,不成器。没有专业的打磨,再好的地段,也成就不了一流的建筑品质红石房产公司在房产开发专业方面的沉淀是相当深厚的:红石房产前身为国有大型房产开发企业,创建于1984年,是一家以房地产开发为主,同时涉足房产经营业务和物业管理等产业的房地产综合开发企业,并开发创建数十个住宅区,建筑面积40万余平方 Initially, I noticed that the work of Hongshi Real Estate was due to the glittering Yuhuan style LOGO on the Hushu South Road, followed by the calm brick-red character of “Hongshi Central Garden” and the bottom row of “Center for Life from Now” Warm little word, straight into the heart. According to the general statement of Hongshi real estate million, Hongshi Central Garden area and lot like a well-torn natural jade, we need to polish it into a real “jade.” Jade is not cut, not a device. No professional grinding, no matter how good the location, but also not the first-class building quality Redstone real estate development company in the real estate development is very deep precipitation: Red Rock real estate formerly known as state-owned large-scale real estate development enterprises, was founded in 1984, is A real estate development mainly involved in the real estate business and property management industry real estate comprehensive development companies and development and create dozens of residential areas with a building area of ​​400,000 square
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