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一二九运动前夕的1935年11月,在清华大学读书的姚依林加入了中国共产党。这位年方十八,从皖南贵池县来的热血青年深感国势的内忧外患,积极投身革命洪流。12月9日,北平这座文化氛围极浓,知识分子聚集的历史名城,爆发了党领导下的,主要由北京大学、清华大学的学生参加的一二九运动。他们高举抗日救国旗帜,高呼“停止内战、一致抗日”口号,向国民党反动政府提出强烈抗议。姚依林参加了由党领导的清华大学民族武装自卫会的工作,并任北平市学联党团书记。与清华学生会主席黄诚一道参加了北平爱国学生运动的领导工作。 姚依林、黄诚等学联党团骨干组织的爱国学生运动有效地打击了北平反动当局,推动了全民反日抗战形势的发展。一二九示威游行的第二年,北平当局为了镇压学生爱国运动,终于撕下伪善面具,直接派军警包围学校抓人。2月29日,正在学校商议对策,欲重新联合起来的部分进步清华学生被反动军队包围,反动当局的这一举动,明摆着要把进步学生一网打尽。对于反动当局包围学校,公然搜捕学生,清华大学校长梅贻琦紧急召集有关人士商讨应付办法。当时清华大学文学院院长、著名哲学家冯友兰先生吃过晚饭,正欲赶到梅贻琦家中开会。刚要出门,迎面撞上了气喘嘘嘘的两位学生,一位是他认识的 In January 1935, on the eve of the January 29 Movement, Yao Yilin, a student at Tsinghua University, joined the Chinese Communist Party. This year party eighteen, warm-blooded youth from Guixi County in southern Anhui deeply domestic and foreign internal and external situations, and actively join the torrent of revolution. On December 9, Peking, a city with a strong cultural atmosphere and rich intellectuals, broke out the 129th Movement under the leadership of the Party, mainly attended by students from Peking University and Tsinghua University. They held high the banner of resistance to Japan and saved the country, shouted slogans of “stopping the civil war and unanimously resisting Japan” and strongly protest against the reactionary KMT government. Yao Yilin took part in the work of the National Armed Self-Defense Association of Tsinghua University led by the party and was the party secretary of Peking Union University. Together with Huang Cheng, president of Tsinghua Student Union, took part in the leadership of the Patriotic Students Movement in Peiping. The patriotic student movement organized by Yao Yilin, Huang Cheng and other cadres from the League organizations effectively cracked down on the reactionary authorities in Peiping and promoted the development of the entire people’s anti-Japanese war against Japan. In the second year of the January 29 demonstrations, in order to suppress the student patriotic movement, the Beiping authorities finally torn their hypocrisy masks and directly sent police and police to surround the school and arrest people. On February 29, the school was discussing measures and trying to reunite part of the progress Tsinghua University students were surrounded by the reactionary army. This move by the reactionary authorities shows that it is necessary to make every effort to improve students. For the reactionary authorities to surround the schools and openly search for students, Mei Yiqi, the president of Tsinghua University, urgently convened the relevant parties to discuss ways to deal with them. At that time Dean of Tsinghua University, the famous philosopher Feng Youlan ate dinner, was about to go to Mei Yiqi meeting. Just to go out, hit the face of the hurried two students, one is he knew
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