
来源 :戏曲艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yusaihua
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由中宣部文艺局、文化部艺术局、中国艺术研究院、中国剧协、中国戏曲学会、中国京剧院,中国评剧院,中国戏曲学院、中国艺术研究院戏曲研究所联合召开的纪念毛泽东同志“百花齐放,推陈出新”题词40周年大会于4月15日在北京人民大会堂隆重举行,中央有关领导和中宣部、文化部领导同志以及首都文艺界人士500余人出席了大会。1951年4月3日,毛泽东同志为新成立的中国戏曲研究院作了“百花齐放,推陈出新”的题词。这一题词成为指导戏曲艺术以及整个文化艺术事业的重要方针。同年5月5日,周恩来总理签署发布了《政务院关于戏曲改革工作的指示》,制订了贯彻“百花齐放,推陈出新”方针的具体政策和措施。四十年的实践证明,全 Commemoration of Comrade Mao Tse-tung jointly held by the Literature and Art Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, the Arts Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Academy of Arts, the Chinese Theater Association, the Chinese Opera Society, the Chinese Peking Opera Theater, the China Opera Academy, the Chinese Opera Academy and the Chinese Academy of Opera The 40th anniversary of the inscription “All flowers bloom, innovation” was held on April 15 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Leaders from the Central Government, Central Propaganda Department, leading comrades of the Ministry of Culture and more than 500 people from the capital’s literary and art circles attended the conference. On April 3, 1951, Comrade Mao Zedong made an inscription entitled “Hundred Flowers Blossomed and Innovated” for the newly established Chinese Opera Research Institute. This inscription has become an important guideline for the art of opera as well as the entire culture and art. On May 5 of the same year, Premier Zhou Enlai signed and promulgated the “Directive of the State Council on Opera Reform” and formulated specific policies and measures for implementing the policy of “letting a hundred flowers bloom together and bring forth new ideas”. Forty years of practice have proved that all
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三字经纶责权利破浪乘风启后生披荆斩棘钦前辈怀柔湖畔会群英冠盖京华六月中 Three words by the responsibility of the right to break the waves by the wind Kai after