Molybdenum based amorphous and nanocrystalline coatings prepared by high velocity oxy-fuel spraying

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:10198223
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The high velocity oxy-fuel(HVOF) based thermal spray process has developed as a potential advantageous approach for fabricating various kinds of functional coatings.In this article,the coatings of Mo-based alloy were synthesized using the HVOF process.The microstructure and the mechanical properties of the HVOF-processed coatings were investigated using SEM,TEM,XRD,and hardness and wear tests.Annealing treatment was applied to the as-sprayed coatings to develop the microstructure and its effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings was examined.It is found that the HVOF-processed Mo-based alloy coatings are comprised of an amorphous splat matrix embedded with nano-sized crystalline particles.Annealing at temperatures over 950 ℃ results into crystallization of the amorphous matrix.The mechanical properties of the as-sprayed coatings are enhanced with annealing temperature up to 750 ℃ and from 950 to 1050 ℃,keeps constant between 750 and 950 ℃,and reduce over 1050 ℃.The change of the mechanical property with the microstructure was illustrated in the study. The high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) based thermal spray process has developed as a potential advantaged approach for fabricating various kinds of functional coatings. In this article, the coatings of Mo-based alloy were synthesized using the HVOF process. Microstructure and the mechanical properties of the HVOF-processed coatings were applied using SEM, TEM, XRD, and hardness and wear tests. Analing process was applied to the as-sprayed coatings to develop the microstructure and its effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings was examined. It was found that the HVOF-processed Mo-based alloy coatings are comprised of an amorphous splat matrix embedded with nano-sized crystalline particles. Annealing at temperatures over 950 ° C results into crystallization of the amorphous matrix. The mechanical properties of the as -sprayed coatings are enhanced with annealing temperature up to 750 ° C and from 950 to 1050 ° C, keeping constant between 750 and 950 ° C, and reduce over 1050 ° C. The change of the mechanical property with the microstructure was illustrated in the study.
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