为了祖国的未来 加强幼儿教育

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这里编发了陈琇同志在浙江省政协五届四次会议上的发言。陈琇同志是浙江农业大学副教授,著名的植保专家。她为了探索水稻病虫综合防治策略,十余年常住农村搞试验,被农民誉为“编外农户”。她那荣获国家农牧渔业部科技进步奖的科研成果,应用于农业生产,效益显著。她长期坚守在高等学校的工作岗位上,为培养农业科学人才而努力。然而,在省政协五届四次会议上,她却大声疾呼“不能重高层、轻基础”,要求加强幼儿教育。这是她对幼儿教育有什么个人偏爱吗?不,这是一位科学家从亲身实践中所获得的真知灼见,是她对振兴中华具有高度责任感的流露,正如她所说的:“只有重视和加强对学前儿童的教育,才能‘百年树人’,为祖国的千秋大业打下坚实的基础”。愿我们的幼教工作者,都来认真读一读这篇文章,从中得到鼓舞和鞭策,更好地履行自己的天职;同时向周围的同志,特别是各级领导同志推荐,请他们也读一读这篇文章,共同关注文章中提到的问题,认真地去解决这些问题。 Here, Comrade Chen Xuan made a speech at the Fourth Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the CPPCC Zhejiang Province. Comrade Chen Huan is an associate professor at Zhejiang Agricultural University, a famous plant protection expert. In order to explore a comprehensive prevention and control strategy for pests and diseases of rice, she experimented in rural areas for over ten years and was praised as “non-supernumerary farmers” by peasants. She won the National Science and Technology Progress Award of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Award scientific research, applied to agricultural production, significant benefits. She has long sticks to the job of colleges and universities, to cultivate agricultural science talents and work hard. However, at the Fourth Session of the Fifth Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, she was loudly crying “can not be above average, light basis” and called for strengthening early childhood education. Is this her personal preference for kindergarten education? No, this is the insightful insight that a scientist has gained from her hands-on experience, as she shows she is highly responsible for rejuvenating China. As she said: “Only emphasis and strengthening The education of preschool children can only bring about a hundred years of trees and lay a solid foundation for the great cause of the motherland. ” May our kindergarten teachers seriously read this article, get encouragement and encouragement, and better fulfill their vocation. At the same time, they should recommend to the comrades around the world, especially the leading comrades at all levels, that they should also read one Read this article to focus on the issues mentioned in the article, to seriously address these issues.
最近日本有关专家谈了三岁前幼儿教育的五个要点: 一、靠幼儿自身的力量发展智力。为发展幼儿的智力,家长应积极创造增长知识的环境。智力不是教会的,只有靠幼儿自己的力量
周末的校园静悄悄的。一个闷声闷气的声音传来:“您好!”传达室的大爷大吃一惊,一只大灰狼正对着他龇牙咧嘴。大爷回过神,笑了起来。原来,是超级剧 The weekend campus is q
爸爸有时候像个“老顽童”。一天,我在家看书,大门忽然被敲得嘭嘭响。我大声地问:“是谁呀?”不一会,门外有个嘶哑的声音传来:“我是狼外婆!”我感觉很奇怪,这声音有些熟悉。“怎么还不开门啊,我可要进来了哦。”“狼外婆”又说话了。我急忙从门上的猫眼里往外瞧,哎呀,门外真的站着一个带着面具的“狼”。仔细一看,是爸爸呀。我赶紧打开门,和爸爸笑弯了腰。  爸爸是个“热心肠”。一个周末,我和妈妈出去散步。我在马