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郭店简“君子贵诚之”属儒家子思一派,所论与《中庸》相通。 Guodian Jane “gentleman noble” is a Confucian school of thought, with the “golden mean” connected.
患者女,45岁,因言语不清,右侧肢体活动不灵3个月于1999年11月12日入院。查体:T 37℃,P80次·min-1,R 18次·min-1,BP 150/90mmHg,发育营养正常,五官端正,心、肺、腹无阳性体
The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of neonatal death in the second twin.We carried o ut a retrospective cohort study of 128,219live born sec ond t
Objective To determine the efficacy of treating semen specimens with platelet -activating factor (PAF) before IUI. Design Prospective randomized double-blin ded
This study supports the importance o f regulatory role of the E2in growth hormone secretion in wom en with polycystic ovary syndrome,showing for the firs t time
患者28岁,因宫内妊娠39周+2合并"先天性颅裂脑膨出"于2004年3月3日入院.末次月经2003年6月1日,预产期2004年3月8日.停经6个月感觉胎动.孕36周诊断为糖耐量低减,予饮食控制.入院检查:血压110/70 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).营养中等,神志清楚,枕部可见8 cm×7 cm×4 cm肿物,色白,囊性有波动感,表面无毛发,无触痛.双侧瞳孔等大、等圆,对光反
This paper proposes a method of small reservoir flood detention modeling that utilizes data from the American land resources satellite Landsat TM/ETM+. Precipit
This study was undertaken to determi ne the relative con-tribution of abnormal pregravid maternal body habitus and diabetes on the prevalence of large -for -ges