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华北落叶松因抗逆性强、材质好,成为华北地区乃致西北和东北许多千燥寒冷地区的主要水土保持和经济用材树种,这一点是许多林业人上所熟知的。然而其非常高的园林观赏价值,却尚未引起园林工作哲的足够重视,这在一定程度上限制了华北落叶松在园林中的应用。在园林植物造景中,华北落叶松究竟有着怎样的优势呢?让我们先从它的基本情况上了解。生物学特性、地理公布及生态习性华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.)是松科落叶松属高大落叶乔木,高可达30米,胸径1米,树皮暗灰褐色,不规则纵裂,枝平展,树冠圆锥形,花期3~5月,球果当年8~10月成熟。华北落叶松为我闰特产树种,多产于华北高山地带。辽宁、 Because of its strong resistance and good materials, the Larix principis-rupprechtii has become a major tree species for soil and water conservation and economic use in many dry and cold regions in the northwest and northeast of China in North China, which is well known to many foresters. However, its very high ornamental value of gardens has not given enough attention to the philosophy of garden work, which limits the application of Larix principis-rupprechtii in gardens to a certain extent. Landscaping landscaping plants in North China, what kind of advantage does it have? Let us first understand from its basic situation. Biological Characteristics, Geographical Announcement and Ecological Habitat Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. Is a large deciduous tree of Pinaceae, up to 30 meters in height, 1 meter in diameter at breast height, dark grayish-brown bark, , Branches flat, conical crown, flowering March to May, cones mature from August to October. Larix principis-rupprechtii is a special intercropping tree species, prolific in North China alpine zone. Liaoning,
上期回顾:奥拉朱旺和拉尔夫·桑普森双塔合璧;1986年火箭进军总决赛;1987年年底火箭拆散双塔,奥拉朱旺成为球队首席领袖…… Review of the previous period: Olajuwon and
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