
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li9599
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致使苏联解体、苏共亡党的原因很多,对自身执政能力建设重视不足无疑是一条重要诱因。在苏共执 政后期,执政方式和执政体制上的缺陷表现得日益明显,党的执政理念也出现了偏差,加上苏共长期以来对内对外 奉行错误的执政方略,导致苏共执政环境日益恶化,执政资源逐步流失,最终动摇了苏共的执政基础,使之丧失了 执政地位。这充分证明:无产阶级政党夺取政权不容易,执掌好政权尤其是长期执掌好政权更不容易,因而必须持 之以恒地加强自身的执政能力建设。 As a result, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party are many reasons. It is undoubtedly an important incentive to pay due attention to the construction of its own governing capability. In the late period of the CPSU, the flaws in the ruling style and governing system became more and more obvious. The ruling philosophy of the party also appeared to be biased. Coupled with the fact that the Soviet Communist Party has consistently implemented the wrong ruling strategy both internally and externally, the deteriorating ruling environment of the CPSU , The ruling resources were gradually lost and eventually shaken the foundation of the ruling party of the CPSU so that it lost its ruling status. This fully proves that it is not easy for the proletarian political parties to seize power and it is even harder to hold good political power, especially the long-term administration of power. Therefore, it is necessary to persevere in strengthening the construction of its own governing capability.
清明的前一夜因下了一阵小雨,翌日天空格外明媚。樊刚清楚记得三年来每一个清明节的天气。   樊刚把昨晚就准备好的东西小心翼翼地放进布包里,这北京产的绿豆糕和他自做的水
一年腊月,东晋著名书法家王羲之,从老家山东移居到浙江绍兴落户。乔迁之喜又值新春佳节即将来临,王羲之情兴大发,挥毫写下了一副门联: 春风春雨春色 新年新岁新景 不料贴出后不久,
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我曾多次收到报社、杂志社寄来的稿费,但对我有着特殊意义的,是和母亲有关的两笔稿费。   读高中的时候,迷恋文学的我开始偷偷地写作、投稿。高二时,我将一篇名叫《梨花》的小