Three-dimensional graphene networks: synthesis,properties and applications

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhwgppp
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Recently, three-dimensional graphene/graphene oxide(GO) networks(3DGNs) in the form of foams,sponges and aerogels have atracted much atention. 3D structures provide graphene materials with high speciic surface areas, large pore volumes, strong mechanical strengths and fast mass and electron transport,owing to the combination of the 3D porous structures and the excellent intrinsic properties of graphene.his review focuses on the latest advances in the preparation, properties and potential applications of 3D micro-/nano-architectures made of graphene/GO-based networks, with emphasis on graphene foams and sponges. Recently, three-dimensional graphene / graphene oxide (GO) networks (3DGNs) in the form of foams, sponges and aerogels have atracted much atention. 3D structures provide graphene materials with high speciic surface areas, large pore volumes, strong mechanical strengths and fast mass and electron transport, owing to the combination of the 3D porous structures and the excellent intrinsic properties of graphene. review focuses on the latest advances in the preparation, properties and potential applications of 3D micro- / nano-architectures made of graphene / GO -based networks, with emphasis on graphene foams and sponges.
吴道子 ,又名道玄 ,阳翟 (今河南禹州 )人。少时孤贫。相传曾学书于张旭、贺知章 ,未成 ,改习绘画 ,年未二十 ,已有成就。曾任小吏 ,当县尉 ,后应召入宫 ,成为宫廷画家。擅佛
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