
来源 :China\'s Ethnic Groups | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phf
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Composed of singers and musicians from several nationalities that make their home on China’s Yunnan-Guizhou plateau,Shanren Band tours the world to share a unique rock’n’roll sound that draws on the strong character of mountain and plain.In 2016 the band won the championship at CCTV’s“Sing My Song”for original songwriting. Composed of singers and musicians from several nationalities that make their home on China’s Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, Shanren Band tours the world to share a unique rock’n’roll sound that draws on the strong character of mountain and plain. 2016 the band won the championship at CCTV’s “Sing My Song” for original songwriting.
The group“In Side Out,”composed of Mark Levine,a Jewish-American,and Fu Han,a Chinese of Tujia nationality,fuses the indigenous and the foreign.For Westerners
为研究碘缺乏地区甲状腺结节患病率,我们于1997年9~10月,对一定人群进行了调查,报告并讨论如下。1 资料与方法1.1 我们在对肥城矿业(集团)公司科级以上干部及中级以上技术职称者进行的常规查
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闯激流:过险滩0二千公里与浪共舞——“珠漂队”漂流剪影@颜晓明 Rush through the torrent: Raohe Beach two thousand kilometers and the wave of dance - “Pearl Drift