
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A578964735
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中古音构拟已成定论,但上古音的构拟还存在诸多争议,作为湘语老派的娄底话较好地保存了中古音和上古音,作为重构上古音的一个重要支撑材料有着重大研究价值和意义,本文从娄底话的尖团音粗略分析上古音构拟推论中的一些问题,只为重构上古音提供诸多方言分析中的其中一种素材。 Although the ancient Chinese phonetic structure has become a definite conclusion, there are still many controversies about the construction of the ancient Chinese phonetics. The Loudi dialect, as the old Xiang dialect, has well preserved the ancient Chinese and the ancient Chinese phonograms, which is of great research value and significance as an important supporting material for reconstructing the ancient Chinese phonetics , This paper gives a rough analysis of some of the problems in the proposed inference of the ancient phonetic system from the apex tone of the Loudi dialect and provides only one of the many dialects in the analysis of ancient sounds.
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总觉得在感情中喜欢和爱是没差别的,直到看了电视剧《欢乐颂2》里安迪的两任男友,才恍然大悟,原来,喜欢和爱的差别竟然这么大。  剧中的安迪是海归美女,但她有遗传性的精神病,内心比一般人要脆弱。  得知她的病情之后,安迪的前男友奇点努力带她去社交,替她找亲生父亲,希望她能像正常人一样生活。  而剧中的小包总呢,他丝毫没有把安迪的病当回事,但是只要安迪遇到搞不定的麻烦,他就第一个出现在她身边。  据说世
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