
来源 :科技致富向导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hustguoguo
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随着我国公路建设的迅速发展,软土问题成为影响公路工程质量和建设工期的关键因素之一。如果对公路工程建设中出现的软土地基不进行有效地处治,就会导致路基不均匀沉陷,路面开裂等病害的发生,对道路的稳定性、安全性影响较大,同时还会增加公路的养护成本。本文结合某工程软基处理的施工方法,论述了水泥搅拌桩、土工格栅、预应力管桩在软基处理中的质量控制措施。 With the rapid development of highway construction in our country, the issue of soft soil has become one of the key factors that affect the quality and construction period of highway projects. If the soft soil found in road construction is not effectively treated, it will lead to uneven subgrade subsidence, road cracking and other diseases, the stability and safety of the road a greater impact, but also increase the highway Conservation costs. In this paper, with a construction method of soft foundation treatment, the paper discusses the quality control measures of cement mixing piles, geogrids and prestressed pipe piles in soft foundation treatment.
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6月15日至20日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李岚清在浙江省委书记张德江、省长柴松岳的陪同下,重点考察了温州、宁波、绍兴和 From June 15 to June 20, accompanied
1988年美国最佳园艺植物栽培品种评选,有五个蔬菜新良种中选,现将其中三个优良品种的主要生物学特性及其栽培管理要点简介如下: 一、Honey’ n Pearl 甜玉米:这是含有高糖度遗传特性的shrunken 2Fl代杂种。
  Background: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) is one of the highest mortal malignancies around the world, and its etiology involves a number of sophisticated b