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作为教育局长.不断提高对督导工作的认识,选好督导人员,重视督学室建设,充分发挥督学室的作用,对搞好教育管理有重要意义。加强对教育督导工作的领导多年从事教育局领导工作的实践,使我深刻认识到,长期以来,在教育管理系统中,反馈监督的机制不健全,领导的决策实施情况不能及时反馈,直接影响管理的效能。教育局的领导要处理大量的行政工作,不能有更多的时间深入基层调查研究,机关行政科室又都担负着繁重的行政业务工作,科室同志尽量挤时间深入基层,但下去一般是带着特定的任务,进行视导、检查、专题研究,很难综合地了解基层的全面情况,因而反馈上来的情况也只能是某个侧面或某 As the director of education, it is of great significance to improve the supervision and management of education, select the supervisors, pay attention to the construction of the supervision room, and give full play to the role of the supervision room. Strengthening Leadership in Education and Supervision The practice of leading education in Education Bureau for many years has profoundly realized that in the education management system for a long period of time, the mechanism of feedback supervision is not perfect and the implementation of the leadership’s decision-making can not be timely feedback and directly affect the management Effectiveness. Education Bureau leadership to handle a large number of administrative work, can not have more time to in-depth investigation and research at the grassroots level, the administrative department of the department are also shouldering heavy administrative work, department comrades try to squeeze time into the grass-roots level, but generally go with a specific It is difficult to comprehensively understand the overall situation of grass-roots units through visual inspection, examination and special study. Therefore, the feedback can only be on one side or another
该项目位于安徽省宿州市萧县永堌轻化工业园,由徐州市鑫固建材科技有限公司投资建设,年产1万吨二萘酚及20万吨高效减水剂。项目总投资20000万元。 The project is located i
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A series of novel 4-substituted-phenoxy-benzamide derivatives bearing an aryl cycloaliphatic amine moiety were synthesized and evaluated for antiproliferative a
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地球母亲历尽了多少风雨沧桑,才孕育了今天的我们!生物大战地球已经完全被一种铜绿色的生物所控制,没有什么能与其竞争 25亿年前,细菌曾对周围的生物展 Earth Mother experi