关于粮食的统购统销问题 国务院副总理陈云一九五五年七月二十一日在第一届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上的发言

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我现在就全国人民普遍关心的粮食问题发表一些意见。一九五四年九月,全国城乡的粮食销量开始了不正常的上升,当时没有加以注意。到了今年三、四月份,在原属华东、中南、华北地区若干省份的部分农村中,出现了许多农民要求供应粮食的现象,结果,国家销售的粮食超过月度计划很多,而且往往超销越多的地方,叫喊缺粮的越多。这个时候,在农民叫喊缺粮地区的城镇中,粮食销量也不断上升,不少地方发生了排队争购切面和其他食品的现象。鉴于粮食销量的这种不正常情况,有迅速加以纠正的必要,国务院和中共中央在一九五五年四月二十八日发出了「关于加紧整顿粮食统销工作的指示」,全国各省市立即派出了几十万干部到农村、到城市整顿统销工作,召集干部会议、农民会议、乡人民代表大会、城镇居民会议,再一次宣传 I now make some comments on the issue of food, which is of universal concern to the people throughout the country. In September 1954, the grain sales in urban and rural areas of the country started to rise abnormally without paying attention. By March and April of this year, in some rural areas of some provinces in eastern, central and southern China and northern China, many peasants were asking for food supply. As a result, the state sold more food than the monthly plan and often oversold Places, yelling the more food shortages. At this time, the sales volume of grain in cities and towns where peasants screamed for food deficits has also been on the rise. In many places, queuing and other food items have taken place. In view of such irregularities in grain sales, there is a need to be promptly corrected. On April 28, 1955, the State Council and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the “Directive on Accelerating the Reorganization and Elimination of Grain Unification,” and all provinces and cities in the country immediately Sent hundreds of thousands of cadres to the countryside, went to the city to reorganize the unified marketing work, and called cadres ’meetings, peasant meetings, township people’s congresses and urban residents’ meetings once again to propagandize
欧洲的传统与保守,美国的进步与活力,是许多人对西方社会的一种思维定式。 当中国改革开放进入23个年头,当新千年、新世纪的阳光已普照着祖国大地,我们应该更多地将目光投向
According to the principle of procedure control and the characteristic of stochastic of inflow and water demands, this paper deals with the application of adapt
众所周知,世界许多地方都有“唐人街”,( CHINATOWN),有的唐人街的入口处,建起具有传统中国风格的、金碧辉煌的牌坊,如美国芝加哥市唐人街的牌坊写着孙中山先生的“天下大同” 四个
以乙醇-乙腈混合物为对象,研究了该体系在实验压力范围内的共沸组成,分析了采用变压精馏工艺分离精制乙醇和乙腈的可行性。通过比较实验压力范围内(101~500 kPa)体系的共沸组
雾笼罩着江面,气象森严。十二时,“江津”号启碇顺流而下了。在长江与嘉陵江汇合后,江面突然开阔,天穹顿觉低垂。浓浓的黄雾,渐渐把重庆隐去。一刻钟后,船又在两面碧森森的悬崖陡壁之间的狭窄的江面上行驶了。   你看那急速漂流的波涛一起一伏,真是“众水会涪万,瞿塘争一门”。而两三木船,却齐整地摇动着两排木桨,像鸟儿扇动着翅膀,正在逆流而上。我想到李白、杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟,搏浪急进,该是多少雄伟