
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuoba888
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这期本刊集中发表了水利系统3位模范人物的先进事迹。他们的事迹和精神是水利系统职工思想品德和精神风貌的真实写照,也是我们在社会主义精神文明建设中应该积极提倡和大力发扬的精神。党的十四届六中全会作出的《中共中央关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议》中指出:“在全民族树立艰苦创业精神,是实现社会主义现代化的重要思想保证。”党的十一届三中全会以后,邓小平同志反复强调,要用革命的理想和精神教育干部和人民。他说,如果我们自己在精神上解除了武装,还怎么能领导国家和人民建设社会主义。他重申毛泽东同志关于人是要有一点精神的思想,要求在正确的政治方向指导下,大力弘扬党在长期革命斗争中形成的五种精神,这就是革命和拚命精神,严守纪律和自我牺牲精神,大公无私和先人后己精神,压倒一切敌人、压倒一切困难的精神,革命乐观主义、排除万难去争取胜利的精神。在水利建设中,在防汛抗洪的风口浪尖上,我们广大的水利干部和群众,不仅很好地完成了党和人民交给的任务,而且在平凡的岗位上创造了艰苦奋斗,不怕困难,勇于奉献的精神。在贯彻《决议》的过程中,我们要结合行业的实际和特点,将长期以来在水利队伍中形成的优良传统和高尚精神进一步发扬光大,推进水利系统社会主义精神文明建设? This issue focused on the publication of the water system, three exemplary figures of advanced deeds. Their deeds and spirits are true portrayals of the ideological, moral and spiritual features of the workers in the water conservancy system. They are also the spirit that we should actively advocate and vigorously promote in building socialist spiritual civilization. The “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Important Issues Regarding Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization” made by the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party states: “Setting an arduous pioneering spirit among the entire nation is an important ideological guarantee for the modernization of socialism.” After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Deng Xiaoping repeatedly emphasized that we should educate cadres and people with the revolutionary ideal and spirit. He said how we can lead the state and people in building socialism if we mentally disarm ourselves. He reiterated Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s thought of requiring people to have a bit of spirit and demanded that they vigorously promote under the guidance of the correct political direction the five spirits the party has formed in the long-term revolutionary struggle. This is the spirit of revolution and hard work, strict discipline and self-sacrifice The spirit of selflessness and ancestors, the spirit of overcoming all enemies, overcoming all difficulties, revolutionary optimism, and eliminating all difficulties to win the victory. In water conservancy construction, at the cusp of flood control and flood fighting, our vast numbers of water conservancy cadres and the masses not only satisfactorily completed the tasks entrusted by the party and the people, but also created hard work, hard work and dedication in ordinary jobs the spirit of. In carrying out the “resolution”, we must, in the light of the actual conditions and characteristics of the industry, further promote the fine traditions and honorable spirits formed in the water conservancy contingents and promote the socialist spiritual civilization in the water conservancy system.
当前,国营大中型企业都面临着市场疲软、产品滞销、“三角债”严重的艰难局面,对此,有识之士纷纷寻求对策,开出各种药方。然而,现实状况是,企业亏损仍在加大, At present, s
习作要求:电视中曾经播放过这样一则公益广告:一个五六岁的男孩,用稚嫩的双手颤巍巍地打来一盆洗脚水,要给他的妈妈洗脚。还有一部根据真人真事改编的 Exercises Requiremen
他不是大儒或卫道士,他既没有开宗立派,也不板着面孔训人;他也非腐儒、迂儒,在他身上没有酸臭,更没有龌龊。但他却实实在在是一位儒家学说真诚而执着的实践者。 He is not a